Fifty Splendid Blocks!! (and a Fat Quarter Bundle Giveaway!)

Once upon a time I made a whole bunch of Splendid Sampler blocks.

I really really loved them.

And then I lost the entire binder that I was storing them in.

I thought for sure I’d find them, in a day or maybe a week.

It’s been months, and they are still gone. *sob*

So, I must start over making my blocks again. And you know what? That’s ok–because in the Splendid Sampler we are never behind, and the blocks are so much fun that you want to make them twice anyway, right? So I should consider this a fun opportunity! :) (Pep talk to myself.)

Perhaps you have more blocks to make, or are just starting your Splendid Sampler, or just really really need more fabric. ;) I’m here to help. Since I have to start over, I figure, I’ll help someone else get going too. Who wants to win a Fat Quarter Bundle of Summerfest?

That’s what I thought. :) Leave me a comment telling me your favorite color combination right now, and you’re entered to win! I’ll draw a winner on Monday sometime, and send an email.  Now wish me luck! I have some sewing to do if I’m going to be on schedule with my blocks when we get to the block I designed (it’s not till January, so I have time! Phew!)

Back to soccer tournaments, sewing and the last days of summer, friends.

Soak it all in. :)



| Filed under Books, Giveaway, Splendid Sampler

524 thoughts on “Fifty Splendid Blocks!! (and a Fat Quarter Bundle Giveaway!)

  1. I can’t believe they are lost! I am loving anything with orange in it. However, I am starting to adore teal.

    1. In one of your pictures it shows a guide that you are following when sewing. Where do you get that???? I have trouble getting the scant 1/4 seam. Any tips? I like the greens, yellows, pinks!

  2. I love reds with a spurge of yellow , orange , greens but I think I’m just in love with FABRIC LOL!!

  3. So sorry that all your blocks disappeared!! My favorite color combination (right now) is sunny yellow and grass green. I really have a lot of colors I love, so it’s hard to choose just one combination!

  4. My heart would be broken at losing such a treasure! Your attitude is infectious though about starting over and jut getting it done! My favorite shades are currently teal and yellow. They are warm and cool together and go so well with this summer heat.

  5. Your blocks are beautiful! I hope you find the hideaways soon! My favorite color combination this summer is teal, orangish, and yellow. Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot com

  6. My things dissappear all the time. One day when you least expect it the binder will show up. I’m crazy about red and aqua right now. Can’t get enough! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Coral and lime green are a color combo I like. I’m so sorry you lost your blocks. Hopefully one day when you most need a pick me up you’ll find them.

  8. Where oh where can it be? They exist somewhere. Have fun with the remake.
    I like blue and orange because my grandchildren do.

  9. They aren’t lost just taking a vacation. They will show up when you least expect it, like hen you get totally caught up again. My current favorite color combo is aqua, peach or yellow and grey.

  10. I think right now, my favorite color combo is different shades of red and greens… my mind is on Christmas quilts so that is why I picked those colors.

  11. I love pastels with lilac , peach splash of yellow , a dusty pink and a hint of mint. With any patterns floral, geometric, and batik.

  12. I’m really digging the light grey and ice blue combination. I love the contrast and brightness to it.

  13. My favorite color combination is pink & blue . . . no it’s pink & green . . . I think it’s black & white . . . oh darn I like all the colors and they all combine so nicely.

  14. I’m sorry you lost all your blocks, but as soon as you start your new ones they may show up. ? I really like red, black, gray, and ivory right now.

  15. HI, isnt ‘Summerfest’ so pretty! I like bright colors like this bundle>favorites red + white! Thank You for your Blog+a great giveaway!

  16. I think I’m going with the crowd lately without even realizing so many people liked it too. I’ve always loved blue and usually with a bit of red as contrast, but recently it’s been any shade of blue especially turquoise or teal with orange (melon or dark or pumpkin, any shade of orange).

  17. I am loving deep turquoise, orange, Pink, purple. I’mI’m adoring all your blocks by the way!

  18. Thanks for the opportunity to enter, I would love to win this bundle. My favourite colour combo right now is chartreuse and Raspberry pink/red – I am making a quilt for my spare bed in these colours and I just love the combo.

  19. I love pink and orange, with a little red thrown in. Would love to win the fat quarter bundle. Thanks for the opportunity.

  20. I think everything goes best if there is red, my favorite color. As far as my favorite color combo, I have always been drawn to rainbow spectrums. That is why I fell in love with your modern Hex pattern and ruler set from my first glimpse of it from a Moda market photo.
    This new bundle looks like a softer fresh look to a rainbow theme. Love it too.

  21. Oh no….. lost blocks. I do hope you eventually find them.
    My favorite color combination varies but I do love turquoise/aqua with a rich brown. Have a project in those colors I need to work on. (And I found it again recently……..)

  22. Oh, how sad to lose all that work. I hope you find it eventually. Favorite combination now is red, Aqua, and apple green.

  23. That is so sad! Sounds exactly like something I would do! My fave color combo right now is the aqua, red, and pinks like in Little Ruby!

  24. what a bummer to lose your blocks-hope they turn up sometime! I’m loving red with any other color-the more the merrier!

  25. Love the colors in the stack. My fave is teal but also love yellow, pink, orange. That sounds like a great summer blend of sherbet or even popsicles.
    I am so sorry you lost your blocks. They probably will show up after the new ones are done.

  26. I can’t believe you haven’t found them! Surely they are in the “I’ve looked here a million times” place or the “they would never be in there” place.

    The color combo of red, aqua, and white is my true love.

    Thanks for the chance!

  27. Navy and (insert most any other color here). Really, I just love navy and think everything goes with it! I hope you find that binder!

  28. So hard to choose! I really want to do a navy and orange quilt and a red and teal/Aqua quilt. I just finished a Summerfest quilt and now want to make one for myself?.

  29. My favorite right now is either turquoise, white with a splash of red. Or it is light blue, dark blue, red and white.

  30. Oh how to choose…..some hours it will be orange or green and then I turn around and want pastels. Who knows, that’s why we have so much fabric and so many projects going, right. Good luck with your second set. How much fun it will be when your first set turns up….bonus!

  31. So sad that your blocks are gone. Watch, you will get these made and then you will find them. I would love to win. Favorite color combo? Right now because of things I am working on it is blue and white, and teal and linen.

  32. Loving a Dusty Mint with some Mandarin orange at the moment, it’s a big change from my usual safe white and blue. I really hope your binder re-appears soon!

  33. Aqua and lime are making me wild this summer. Thanks for the give away. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your collection of blocks will re-appear. Then you’ll have a quilt twice as nice.

  34. My fave right now is actually the colors in your bundle. For my Splendid Sampler blocks I started with a bundle of Pat Sloan’s fabric and her colors are your colors! Love them!!

  35. What a bummer! Maybe they’ll turn up once you’ve remade them, happens to me sometimes! I’m liking coral and blues together right now.

  36. Oh my gosh I can not image losing all that work!!!! I am also just starting the sampler — only for the 1st time. I just now decided to commit for a variety of reasons of which I’ll not go into because you probably don’t have the time and the blog will limit my characters I’m sure. LOL
    My favorite color combinations right now and blue and yellow. I am on a kick with blues/ yellows and I have also been doing a couple of black and white projects. Total opposites I know but that is me!

  37. Love your Summerfest fabric – so bright and cheerful!! I’m really enjoying the aquas and blues at the moment with a touch of yellow :)! Hope you find your blocks before you’ve resewn them ;)!

  38. Oh man sorry to hear you lost your blocks. I know you tore that room apart. I know i would. Hope they show up. Pink and aqua are my fave combo right now.

  39. What a bummer!!! I would cry!! But way to have a positive attitude about it. ;) Hugs!! I LOVE your fabrics! And would love to win this generous bundle! (It would complete my collection of all your fabrics) ;) my favorite color scheme right now? That’s a hard question, but I’m really loving the pink and salmon and white tie dye shirt i made my baby while we were on vacation last week! :) Happy quilting!!

  40. What an awful loss! So many hours and such beautiful blocks!! I hope it turns up for you soon! My fav color combo lately is lavender and teal plus white. Always white. I just love the way it makes everything pop.

  41. I can’t believe you lost them! I just moved my sewing space and low and behold I could 6 thing that had disappeared. Right now I am enjoying bright spring-y colors in all shades. Especially enjoying the Blueberry bright line

  42. I have been enjoying turquoise and orange lately, with a bit of chartreuse. (Love your attitude regarding the lost blocks!…. Go with the Flow!)

  43. Aqua and red. I love Summerfest. I’ve already used a jelly roll of it and would love to have more.

  44. I’m really fascinated by aqua and red right now. So different from my usual darker colors! Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. Your fabrics are so pretty! I am crushing on anything with red – red with Aqua, red with green, red with yellow. Red❤️?

  46. My favorite combo right now (and actually always … always) is aqua and red. Spicing things up by adding a little gray. Not the newest or the freshest, but it speaks to me. Thanks for the opportunity.

  47. How frustrating! Your missing binder will turn up eventually, then you’ll get to make something new with those blocks. Favorite color combination – purple, mint and light blue with a touch of dark teal for accent. I’d love to play with a FQ bundle of your Summerfest line – thanks for the giveaway!p

  48. I am so sad for you! Those blocks were so darling, I’m so glad you can make more.
    My favorite color combo right now is teal and pink. Thanks for sharing the summer fest love!

  49. I love red and red goes with every thing. It’s the new So sorry about your blocks they were wonderful.

  50. If you’re like me, you put them in a safe place! Totally logical, at the time. ? Hopefully, you find them soon. But, yes you can start over or go on from where you were.
    I’m not sure I have a favorite color combo. I just love beautiful fabric.
    My splendid sampler is red, aqua, navy. I’m trying to add in more grey and some black. I love seeing all the combinations of fabrics and colors different people come up with for the same blocks. It’s such a fun sew along!

  51. You’ll find your blocks as soon as you make the new ones then, score, you’ll have two quilts. I’m crushing on pink and orange, weird I know.

  52. I like All colors and use them all together in s”scrap” quilts. World love to win this bundle. Thank you for the giveaway!

  53. Don’t you just hate it when things go missing? They will turn up when you least expect it! I am really liking the coral and teal. But in that bundle they are all great colors.

  54. I can’t believe you lost your binders. How sad! I love to look through my binder of blocks. Good for you for having a good attitude about it. I like what you said about how we are never behind! I’m about halfway through the first fifty blocks. All the excitement around the 50th block has motivated me to get going!

    As for colors, Right now I’m really into grays, blues with a pop of a bright color like pink!

  55. Such a bummer on your blocks! We are desperately looking for some pieces I cut out for my daughter’s project that I KNOW I left on my cutting table, and they are no where to be seen. :-(

    My favorite color combination right now is navy and aqua. Sometimes I throw in some magenta.

  56. My favorite color combo right now is turquoise, purple, navy, lime green. I’m planning my sister’s quilt with this color palette and the Dragonfly Dance fabrics.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  57. I never used to care much for orange, yet I am lately drawn to colors of a peachy nature. It must be fresh peach season! I love summer.

  58. How heartbreaking…. I am so sorry!!!! I love your attitude!!! New beginnings are very exciting….have fun!!!! I have a hard time narrowing down a favorite color combination. But that beautiful bundle of yours is gorgeous!!!! I love everything about it!!!! ??

  59. Sorry about your blocks. Sob! Love your bundle! Fabulous! Just made a blue and yellow quilt …or two! I guess that is a current favourite. Love multicoloured wild quilts the best!

  60. I’s glad you said “right now” because I like all colors, but I did a pink and brown heart table runner and each time I see it, I smile at the color combo. Kathy in colo

  61. Sew sorry your binder of SS blocks walked off somewhere…your attitude is very special about starting over again; not sure I could be that brave…kudos! Love your blocks and fabric choices…I am leaning toward teals and raspberry color choices with low volume backgrounds…thanks for the giveaway opportunity…someone will be one very lucky quilter!

  62. Wow, that’s to bad about your blocks. I’ve thought about going back and redoing some since I’ve learned so much along with way, but I figure that the older ones show character. Hope it shows up sometime. Right now I love coral and navy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. My favorite color is blue! Thank you for your give-away and for contributing your time and talent to the Splendid Sampler!

  64. Honestly I love any color especially when paired with text fabric! Aqua is my all one favorite. You can pair it with any color and I love it.

  65. So sorry you have to start over! That is hard. I love the color combos in Summerfest. So pretty. But I also have red and blue and yellow on the brain. I just finished a Swoon quilt in those colors and I am just in love.

  66. Bless your heart…but I love your optimistic attitude!!! I seem to still love apple green…it is a happy color, and oranges have been catching my eye this summer. I think i am in denial about summer ending, but I do love fall!!!!! Thank you for the lovely chance!!!!

  67. I am loving Mint peach and gray right now. And add in some navy! I am really enjoying the Splendid Sampler. And I can’t believe I am keeping up. Hope you find you blocks! Thanks :)

  68. Hi! I am in the citrus mode right now – lemon yellow, lime green, grapefruit pink, orange orange, and blood orange red. (Wouldn’t those make a gorgeous circle quilt!) Thanks for this chance! (And may you find your lost blocks soon!)

  69. You have a much better outlook on losing the blocks than I would! I find I’m drawn to color combinations I wouldn’t have been a year ago. Pinks and navy, or coral and aquas are really getting me lately.

  70. Right now I love coral and grey. Oh wait I love the dark pinks, purples and greens of my sunset quilt. And there are the bright pinks aqua orange yellow and lime greens of summer. I guess I just love them all!

  71. My favorite right now is black, olive and plum! Im definitely ready for fall! And hoodies… also you are amazing for starting over. I dont know that I would have done that!

  72. I once lost twenty Dear Jane blocks. Six months later they just showed up. So don’t give up hope.
    I love orange, red, all blues, yellow and of course purple!

  73. Oh how sad! Hopefully they turn up and when they do you will appreciate them even more! I love yellow and navy lately (well… not just lately!).

  74. I misplace things too ;-) Today, I’m crushing on citrus orange and lime green. Not sure what I’ll love tomorrow…

  75. Blues/turqoise/orange or blues/greens or blues/greens AND orange and maybe some yellow and red… And definitely some black and white!

  76. Dark purple, Navy, Teal and Hot pink!

    Your Summerfest fabric is gorgeous! Hopefully you find you blocks soon!

  77. I have my fingers crossed that you find the binder. My current favorite combo is chocolate brown and orange. Thanks for the chance.

  78. Great outlook on such a loss! My fav colours at the moment are teal – oranges – pinks – purples.

    But really – ALL fabric! LOL!


  79. Keep searching MAYBE it’ll turn up? Drives me bananas when I misplace something like that! If not, starting over isn’t to , to bad…Aqua,teal & coral are my favs right now. Awesome giveaway thanks so much!

  80. I am using a fat quarter bundle from my 3 sister. Your fabric would go beautifully with there fabrics.
    Thanks for a chance to win and you will find your binder. Think positive.

  81. Bummer on misplacing your blocks! But, I know they will turn up – ask me how I know, lol.

    My favorite colors right now are aubergine, grey and yellow and also golden yellow With Tiffany box blue and cocoa.

  82. Favorite? Just one combination???? Surely, you jest! OK. I’ll play along . . . . purple and green?

  83. I’ve lost blocks before too!!! They always show up after I’ve re-made them!!!
    Right now I’m in a bright, jewel tone color phase…I can’t get enough of them!

  84. Turquoise is what I painted my studio last year, with lots of white moulding, accented w/black. Throw in red and I do my happy dance whenever I go there!

  85. My favorite combination right now is turquoise and chocolate brown. I just finished a black and bright yellow/orange combination. Good luck on your blocks. Happy sewing this weekend.

  86. Oh, I’m loving a little coral and navy right now, or even coral and charcoal. What a beautiful giveaway!

  87. I loved reading your post and most of all seeing your beautiful blocks! Oooh, I feel so very sorry for you with the lost blocks. It sounds exactly like me!!! So i can really identify with your loss. I hope you enjoy the sewing time in making your new blocks. Thanks for the chance to win your bundle. I love blues and greens in honor of my new little 3 month old grandson.

  88. I like red and teal for some reason. :). Thank you for the chance to win some beautiful fabric!

  89. Navy blue is a favorite for me and the pink with it is a bonus. Finding a strategy for catching up is part of my fun in this project.

  90. Yellow and Aqua!! They just feel like summer and happiness to me! And Summerfest is so gorgeous! LOVE it!!! ?

  91. Favorite colors are green, burgundy.
    Sorry to read about losing your blocks. I have made some of mine over because I did not like my first color choice. I’m using left overs from quilts I’ve made.

  92. I can relate as far losing projects, I always end up losing some part of it and it drives me nuts! Gosh I sure do hope you find them!

    So right now my color combos I like are teal and brown or teal and grey. Love all teal combos but those are my favorite! :)

  93. May sound like I’m just trying to impress you, but this collection IS the color combo I’m drawn to lately! It’s just so fresh – like a California orange grove with ripe fruit ready for picking. I love it!

  94. I am loving the non-primary colors right now (I know there’s a term for them). Aqua, coral, lime green and orchid. What an awesome giveaway- thank you for shot! ?

  95. I am really liking black, gray, silver and white right now! I usually get bright happy colors but bought a bunch of FQ in those colors today!
    I like your positive attitude about your missing blocks. Once you stop looking or give up on them I bet you will find them!

  96. I love fabric. Pretty much any fabric. Maybe not purple, but pretty much everything else!! Sorry about your blocks. Hope they turn up before you redo all of them! (Work backwards, just in case!)

  97. I am loving red, turquoise, green, pink and orange! I am so sorry to hear you lost your splendor samples! ?

  98. I love aqua and red but am really starting to love orange. But of course everything seems to go with green!!
    So sorry to hear you lost the blocks. Losing things is maddening!!

  99. Love any cool palette! Purples, teals, turquoise make me smile! But I am using more basic navy, red, Aqua, pink and chartreuse pallets in my SS blocks (Vintage Picnic), but I thought long and hard about Summerfest!

  100. I was drooling over your photo just now and saying how much I love the colors in it because “those are my favorite colors!!” Aqua, red, orange and green!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  101. My favorite color combination is red and turquoise with orange thrown in for an accent. Thanks April. Sorry about your lost binder. That is the pits. All that hard work…….

  102. I must got finished with “Flower Girl” using red, turquoise, seems like it might have been Ruby. But, adding the orange to it, just makes it delicious! I love every single one of these colors. I spent the last few years making quilts for my 7 grandchildren, now it is my turn to get one! Would love to have this fabric for my first quilt!

  103. I’m so sorry you can’t find your blocks! :-( I hope they reappear soon. My favorite color combination right now would be navy, peach/blush, mint green, and taupe..or some variation thereof. Random, but I’m just kinda drawn to them right now.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. Oh dear, I do hope you find them one day, they will make something sweet. Right now my favourite combinations are orange and turquoise :) Good luck, may you have a few rainy days to get you going.

  105. Love your blocks and all your work. I just finished a quilt for my college roommate’s first baby that was shades of lime, coral, and blue. So fresh and happy and suitable for a little boy or girl baby!

  106. I like gray, poppy, navy and a softer blue….today! I never really “got” sampler quilts, and I fell behind because I got frustrated picking fabrics. After seeing other people’s squares, I feel like I have a clearer idea of what I like now… I’m going to start full speed ahead, and now I know I won’t be playing catch up by myself!!! I hope you find your other ones but have fun with your new start… and thanks for the giveaway!

  107. Your blocks are precious and I hope they turn up! My favorite colors vary, but when it comes to sewing I dearly love aqua and coral, and aqua and red.

  108. My favorite color combo is aqua and red. I hope you find your sampler blocks. Thanks so much
    for the fun giveaway!

  109. Oh, April, super giant bummer about losing the binder! I pray it turns up for you someday – and sooner rather than later! You seem to have a good perspective on starting fresh, and I really appreciate your giveaway! Favorite color way right now – something new that i have never paired up but want to give a try, reds, turquoise, browns, creams, coral, and some golds. I have a Japanese inspired koi fish print that uses this colorway and I would love to use it on a larger scale in a quilt. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us!

  110. I’m obsessed with navy/orange/white combinations at the moment, because I bought a rug with those colours and want to make matching cushions

  111. Sorry about your lost blocks, April. :( my favorite color combination right now is red, white, and blue.

  112. Sending a prayer that the lost blocks become found! White and teal are faves but I love all the colours.

  113. One day you will find those blocks!!! Well, I hope you do anyway, because this has happened to me and the discovery was a big surprise!! My favourite colour combo is wine, gold, moss, and cream. Thanks for the chance to win this bundle of fabric, I love the colours in this collection too!!

  114. I would be sick if I lost those blocks! Yes, I’m sure you’ve felt that way, but your can-do attitude is refreshing! Somewhere, sometime, you hopefully will find that binder…fingers crossed for you! My current favorite color combo isn’t too unique. I like aqua and red together.

  115. Gray and pink, gray and purple, gray and Aqua…are you noticing a theme? My husband tells me it’s time to break out of the gray and a bright and summery white with pinks and reds and blues and yellows looks perfect!
    So sorry about your blocks! I’m sure they’re “somewhere safe”. That’s where all my lost stuff is ?

  116. I have loved teal and red for a long time! But with fall coming I am looking forward to anything fallish!

  117. I love a lot of color! Love the fun flowery colors of summer! Pink teal green yellow orange…love them all

  118. I’ve had a string of saturated ROYGBIV projects so I’m looking forward to a whites, grays and black with a splash of grellow project that I am cutting. Thanks!

  119. In general, I always love blue and green together, but lately I’ve been loving the navy/coral combination.

  120. I hope you find that binder soon! Have you checked under the couch? That’s where me kids tend to kick things. ?
    My favorite color combo at the moment is anything that includes teal. I’m loving that color lately!
    Have a great weekend!

  121. My truly a blue fan. But I always love reds and or pink to compliment the blue! I would love to win this bundle because I would use it to create the Splendid sampler. Thanks!

  122. I know you’ll find it, in the most unlikely place ! I love navy with anything ! Thanks for the great giveaway !

  123. I think you’ll find your blocks as soon as you are caught back up with everything; I’m a confirmrd optimist. ? My current favorite color combination is soft gray and anything! Thanks for the chance to win fabric!

  124. My favorite color combinations right now are red, orange and yellow. Oops now it is blues, greens, and purples….reds, white and blue…I can go on but you get the idea. I love color and fabric. I feel like Golum…Precious, my precious when I am looking at a beautiful group of fabrics. :)

  125. My favorite colors lately are red and all shades of blue. I’m using 30s fabrics for my SS blocks. All have red. Most have blue also. Some have green or yellow too.

  126. Oh my! I can’t believe you have possibly lost your blocks! They will show up, I’m sure. I am looking forward to your block… you are very inspirational and upbeat.
    My current favorite colors are the ones I am using for the splendid sampler, which is a greenish grey, black, ivory and a bright red. my second favorite is red, white, & blue. usually I love blues and greens, but lately it’s been reds. Oh well, it I must go with it… I may have to go shopping!
    thanks for a chance at winning fabric!

  127. Definitely wanting everything in blues and greens right now. Greens with yellows, and blues with more blues! lol :) Love your blocks!

  128. I just love color! Right now I’m using orangey-red, aqua, yellow-gold, with splashes of lime green. Summerfest is my favorite line right now!!

  129. I’ve always loved teal and grey, but lately I’ve been craving corals and soft blues. Wish I could wave a wand and help your binder magically appear- your original blocks were gorgeous! However, as we are all learning, a second chance at these blocks is worthwhile- new colors, better intersections, different embellishments. I hope you find your originals, though.

  130. I love color :) .. Right now I’m playing with jewel tones set against black. Really pretty! Also love red and aqua together.

  131. When I can’t find what I’m looking for I just say it is in a safe place. Hopefully someday we’ll all find that safe place. I have many things there taking up space.
    My current favorite color combo is coral, turquoise and white thrown in the mix.
    Thanks, would love to win,

  132. Oh I’m so sorry about the lost ones, ugh!!
    I love the colors of the rainbow! It’s just too hard to really pick because I love just about any or all!

  133. Navy and yellow right now…but that can change at any second…and then again a second after that! I love them all!

  134. I’m really into summer colors right now — the colors of flowers. My favorites are the roses and reds along with the greens. Thank you for the opportunity to win fabric. If I’m the lucky one – I will use on Splendid blocks!

  135. How sad you can’t find your blocks, but how wonderful for your generous giveaway. I
    Love agua and red. Thank you!

  136. After working with more “modern” combinations for a long time, right now I am leaning back toward classic pairings — red and white, blue and white, and red, white, and blue. Must be feeling patriotic in spite of the election campaign drama — lol!

  137. I have been working on a red and aqua and really love it! But I also have been collecting orange sherbet, grey and some blues that look amazing together!

  138. i am loving bright colors pink and purple and yellow I planted some flowers recently and they brighten my day when I walk outside to check the mail. I sure hope your blocks turn up its not fun to misplace things and the hours that go into finding them… Pete the Cat helps me in situations like this.

  139. Great pep talk! My favorite color combination right now is salmon and Aqua. Thanks for the fun giveaway! Summer fest is one of my favorites.

  140. Ugh. I hate when that happens – put something in a safe place, but then forget where that safe place is.
    My favorite combos right now are Aqua and grey or brights and white.

  141. At the moment I adore neutrals with a pop of colour, such as red or bright yellow – out of the norm for me

  142. I have always loved aqua and red together, it can look very retro or quite fresh and contemporary. I hope you find your binder – I’m always losing stuff too.

  143. Your blocks really will turn up at the bottom of a stack sometime.

    I am loving watermelon red and apple green with white, of course…and maybe throw in a little yellow.

  144. I am loving corals and yellows. Speaking of yellow, think on the “bright” side, when you do find your binder you are going to have double the blocks! ??

  145. Red and turquoise! I’ve been putting them together a bunch lately :) Red is my favorite color, though, so I will put it with anything and everything.

  146. I am so sorry your lovely blocks are missing. I hope they show up soon. My favorite color has always been blue. Right now I am making quilts for children (mostly project linus) and I have been leaning toward turqouise and lime with maybe a little yellow, black or orange.

  147. I am so sorry that your blocks are lost and hope they show up soon! My favorite combo is blue and green.

  148. Stuck on indigo/denim and pale mint at the moment…in my purchasing! Still haven’t *made* anything to scratch that itch.

  149. My favorite color combo was black, white and lime. Now I’m leaning toward shades of blue and white. Hope your blocks come home soon! So devastating after all your time and hard work. Thanks for this fabric giveaway opportunity.

  150. I’m sorry you lost your binder but what a great attitude to just make more blocks. My favorite color combo is green and orange.

  151. So I’m normally not a big fan of red, but my friend Annalee is constantly quilting with red, pink, and Aqua/ teal and it’s all so amazing I want to do it too! Love the bundle you’re offering though!

  152. Red and white is the current favorite. I’m making a wedding quilt for my nephew’s December event. Trying to create a geometric, modern quilt. Love that aqua in your bundle!

  153. Oh such a shame your folder is lost. Start making the blocks again and it just may turn up, which would be nice.
    I love aqua, green, pink. Actually very much the colours in that gorgeous fq bundle. They are the colours I always seem to come back to.

  154. Please have a Mother’s look , go very slow as you look as your folder is there…I love Blue and white thankyou

  155. Today’s favourite colour combination is pale blue and cream – very soft and feminine.
    Tomorrow’s may be different!

    Sorry you lost your blocks – you are being very philosophical about the loss. Of course, they will appear as soon as you have re-made them!.

  156. Oh, wow, hopefully they will be found again! And you are brave and encouraging to start over again! I lost my track (not the blocks..) and your post just encouraged me to sew on! Thanks so much! And thanks so much also for the lovely give away!

    1. Uup, forgot to mention my favourite combo right now. I think it would be aqua and red. But every combination with blue is good for me, lol!

  157. I’m into a turquoise and coral phase, which goes along with the color scheme of the moment it seems. This bundle is so luscious and would love a quilt made of these fabrics. You’re so generous to have a great giveaway.

  158. So sorry your blocks are missing but look forward to see the new one you’ll be making! Navy, pink and mint are really catching my attention lately, but I love all the colors!

  159. Orange and grey have been favourites for awhile. But now I’m thinking grey with yellow, grey with teal, grey with baby blue….

  160. I love aqua and teal with just about anything but right now I love adding raspberry, green and grey. Thanks for the chance to win that beautiful bundle!

  161. Oh no, I can’t believe you lost them all! Hope you’ll find them again (probably after you remade them all;-).
    My favorite color combo is aqua and red with a bit white mixed in.

  162. What a shame you lost them. When you are on your final block it will turn up. My favorite color combo for a while now has been turquoise and orange. Thanks for a chance to win!

  163. I love so many colors, but right now I’m into bright pink and turquoise. Thanks for the chance to win.

  164. I’m having fun with marine or ocean blue, chartreuse and rich aqua – summer influence maybe!?
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  165. Sorry you lost your beautiful happy blocks! My favorite color combo right now is cheddar and gray. Pink and brown are pretty great together too…

  166. Sorry about your blocks, I hope they turn up. Looks like lots of people want this. Right now I am liking green and grape.

  167. Hello! Right now I am thinking Fall…and so I would choose nice hues of orange and perhaps rust and reds. :)

  168. Navy and anything right now–navy and gray, navy and red, navy and bright green.

    And, April, you know that the most sure way to find your blocks is to get well into making the new ones. So, don’t despair.

  169. I am always misplacing something in my sewing room, but it usually turns up so I’m sure you will find your blocks. Wishing you luck! My favourite colour combinations are red, aqua and grey. Thank you for the great giveaway and the chance to win.

  170. So hard to choose – love so many colors! Today (at this moment) I will say lime green, navy, white.

  171. When your blocks show back up again you will have two splendid sampler quilts ? I think teals and greens with navy are my current favorite then I start adding every color… So I’m in love with color… The more the better! Good luck ?☘

  172. I am loving the red, aqua, and gray and pastel bundles, and black and whites and any colors! I love them all!

  173. I think your notebook and my favorite 6×12 ruler are off living their lives together somewhere warm and beautiful!! I am really into gray and teas currently but as a true fabriholic I adore it all! ;)

  174. Goodness, I hope your missing blocks reappear soon. I suppose the best way to make them reappear is to start remaking them… That always works for me.

    My favorite color combination lately is coral and green.. Which is surprising since I’ve never been a fan of orange…

  175. Oh, I hope you find your binder. That is how I am storing mine, too. Turquoise and reds seem to be dominant in my blocks right now which is surprising since I am into more primitive colors! I just love fabric!

  176. Certainly, all luck to you. It may turn up when you’ve made a few blocks. Aqua/red and peach/red are my lively choices.

  177. I’ve been loving these blocks all year, but haven’t made any. Choosing the fabric for a sampler is too intimidating.

  178. Sorry you have lost your blocks. I chose to do mine in 30’s reproduction fabrics so i really don’t have a color scheme. But I love any combination of hand dyes or batiks.

  179. My favourite colour combination right now is lime green and aqua blue. Just love them together and am planning my next quilt using those two colours.

  180. I have been doing so scrappy and not sure of a favorite combination. Grays have been drawing my attention. I always love the deep reds.

  181. Hi – I have been making my Splendid Sampler by just using scraps from my stash. I don’t really have a preference – anything goes. Hope you find your binder. Awaiting your design. Thanks for participating.

  182. I’m loving blues and oranges right now. Sorry you lost your blocks- hope they show up soon!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  183. My favorite ‘lifetime’ colors are simply blue and white, but I have two granddaughters I sew for now and there is much more pink (and purple) in my sewing room, but for my own home I’m using more of the “Arts & Crafts” colors – shades of greens, oranges, browns, & creams.

  184. Oh no, lost blocks! I have lost inns too, and by the time I find them I don’t like them anymore so I start over anyway! Righ now I am loving aqua with red or pink! I love this bundle, it’s so happy!

  185. I always love red, white and blue for the summer but am starting to think about fall a little and am loving pumpkin colors!

  186. Yikes, so sorry you lost your blocks. Hope you find them! Love your colors in the blocks above. I am using Cotton and Steel fat quarters from Craftsy.

  187. Oh no! Sorry you can’t find them! I’m so far “behind” but hoping to get back at it soon. My fv. combos right now are bright and low volume! Have fun starting over, the blocks are fun!

  188. So sorry that you can’t find your blocks!!! What a positive attitude! My favorite color combo right now is anything that goes with a grey background. Love red and aqua together thanks for a great giveaway.

  189. I love navy and sunny yellow. Recently I have been pulling in greys. My forever love is any shade of blue.

  190. Keep looking! They’ll show up when and where you least expect them! I’m a blue and red in all their variations gal, but lately I’m loving the oranges, too.

  191. The main palette I’ve been working with lately has been my 1930s prints; but I’m heavily drawn to red and white right now (I have 2-3 queen sized planned in short order), after doing three blue and white in the last two years (plus a POTC WIP using the leftovers!).

  192. Hi, loved reading your blog! Turquoise makes me happy so it would always have to feature strongly, in the past I’ve loved it with coral/red but at present acid green is working for me. Plus low volumes.

  193. I couldn’t sleep with missing cherished blocks! Hope you find them some day/year!
    Colors, it changes frequently! Lately it’s been corals, teals and lots of dangerous beautiful white!

  194. My favorite combo is red and white. Love the crisp contrast between the two colors. Your fabric is very pretty and would make a wonderful quilt for one of my granddaughters. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  195. I love blue tone-on-tones, but I have seen some lovely apricot and turquoise blocks by other Splendid Sampler participants. It’s not a combo I would have thought to put together but I just love the way it looks! One of the most fun things for me has been seeing the color combinations other quilters have chosen for their blocks. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I love the fabrics in the collection you are awarding!

  196. I’ve been stuck on coral and navy for a while now. It still draws me in. You know that as soon as you begin remaking blocks, you’ll find the first set.

  197. Love most all colors and putting them together in a scrap quilt. But, am currently loving lime green and purple. Thanks.

  198. I love lots of colorways but especially anything with yellow in it. So my sampler now has all colors in it and lots of yellow.

  199. I am loving teal and lime green. Have made some clothing for my granddaughter and she has loved them.

  200. Oh, how I feel for you! Your blocks are beautiful and I’m so sorry they are lost! I hope they turn up. And how generous of you to help someone else get started with this wonderful fabric giveaway! My favorite color combination is green and purple.

  201. I hope you find your blocks! The fabric is beautiful. I’ve been on turquoise, navy blur and lime green kick lately. Thanks for your inspiration.

  202. I hope you find your blocks! The fabric is beautiful. I’ve been on a turquoise, navy blue and lime green kick lately. Thanks for your inspiration.

  203. Love brights can never have to much yellow. I am loving yellow orange green and pink, and am enjoying the jorney

  204. Oh dear! So sorry to hear about the AWOL blocks! You will find them where you least expect to! Right now I am loving navy blue, aqua and lime green combinations!

  205. I’m obsessed with rainbow quilts right now. Sorry to hear you lost your blocks. If your luck is anything like mine, the binder will magically appear the minute you’ve redone your blocks, lol! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  206. I’m in love with red and aqua with a little navy and lime green. I checked to see if it was you and your notebook in the pictures on Joan Ford’s blog when she was in Syracuse. Alas, it was not. I do love that fabric bundle and am keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for such a great opportunity. p.s. I hope your notebook shows up then you could make a bigger quilt!

  207. greys and yellows with a touch of either black or aqua thrown in. I am obsessed with making a red and white quilt though – have my fabrics, just need to decide on a pattern.

  208. I’d love to make a yellow and black quilt. However, my stash is also lacking neutrals for background fabrics and solid colors. And I luv autumn colors!! I would be over the moon to add your “Summerfest” bundle. Thanks for the giveaway.

  209. Purple on the redish side, but still purple — Bright orange — bright green — and cream
    Everyone in my house is a fan of this combo!

  210. Hope those missing blocks come back from their vacation soon. Have you tried the St. Anthony prayer? “Tony. Tony, come around, something’s lost and must be found.”
    Thanks for sharing your experience!

  211. WOOHOO! ❤️ I really really want to start one! :0)
    my actual favorite colors are turquoise and yellow…
    thank you for this amazing giveaway and chance to win ❤️❤️❤️
    have a beautiful day

  212. My fave combo right now is aqua, lime, and cherry red. When I need more colors, I add butter yellow or navy. Have faith, your binder will turn up when you least expect to see it. Then you’ll have some extra blocks for a special pillow, backing, or label!

  213. I really enjoy working with a lot of bright color and always but in a little red or yellow in most every thing I make I hope your blocks will quit playing hide and seek with you, I know how frusterating that can be…right now my favorite embroidery hoop is hiding and I don’t want to use the larger one…

  214. I am working on a quilt right now that is in really bright pinks, greens, turquoise, yellow, purple, and a bit of navy blue. With all of the bright colors, I can’t help but be in a cheerful mood!

  215. I’ve been doing repro fabrics for so long that anything fresh and bright makes me happy. Teal and red, minty green and yellow, sherbet colors, it’s hard to choose!

  216. My go to fabric combination has always been blue and green – BUT – lately I’ve been drawn to salmon and yellow. LOvE the summer colors :)

  217. Normally I end up using muted colors, but I am working with brights such as in the featured fat quarter bundle for the Splendid Sampler. How fun it would be to win more fabric ! Thanks for the fun post.

  218. Lately I’ve been loving pastels paired with medium brown…mint/brown, aqua/brown, pink/brown, etc. Also like orange and navy and there’s always the obligatory aqua/red combo. You are so thoughtful for hosting this giveaway as well as contributing you effort, time and talent to the splendid sampler. We really do appreciate this opportunity!

  219. My splendid sampler quilt will be the first quilt in 40 years that I am making for myself, the colors are purple, blue, green and yellow, all of which I love

  220. Oh no – so discouraging to lose so much beautiful work! I am always drawn to bright clear colors – they make me happy!

  221. I have been drawn to the Fig Tree color line…especially the soft black, which is so far from anything I have ever done before. Her whole color line is so gentle!

  222. Yellow, lilac, green, pink and blue 30’s are my favorite combination at the moment. I am just starting, just signed up. Don’t worry you WILL find them, i lose stuff for months all the time. Good luck!

  223. Funny you should talk about starting over! I,ve been thinking about doing just that now that we have hit the halfway mark! I have learned SO much and feel like I need a redo. One skill I lack is color knowledge. I want to work on that, but your bundle would be a perfect jump start! Thank you for the opportunity!

  224. I bet you’ll find your blocks in the last place you look! Lol, so sorry you lost them. Just think it is a temporary thing, when your meant to find them they will show up. :) my favorite colors are anything that looks summery and is a happy color. Bright cheerful colors! Thank you so much for all you do! You are one talented lady, that’s for sure! :)

  225. You will find them as soon as you re-make them you know. It’s always the way. My go to fabrics are black and white with a pop of color. Thanks for the chance to win!

  226. You poor soul! To lose all your hard work! Still, this gives you the opportunity to perfect those blocks. Good Luck!

    Color combo heaven for me right now is jewel tones- emerald green, royal blue, garnet red- with a dash of sunshine yellow.

  227. I believe you will find your binder of blocks, but maybe not before you make new blocks! I love your fabrics! My favorite colors right now are red and aqua or purple and orange. Thanks for the giveaway!

  228. I am loving the two tone quilts but then again I love the Summerfest colors. Lets face it I just love fabric and hope to win this one. One can never have too much fabric.

  229. I would be devastated if I lost all those beautiful blocks. Who knows, maybe one day they will show up and you can redo the whole project? My favourite colour combination is cherry-red and turquoise.

  230. As soon as you finish remaking them your lost blocks will magically reappear! Right now I’m into all shades of blue and teal, with a little gray and white accents.

  231. I just love color, but, my eye is always drawn to blue, white and yellow. These colors always remind me of the sky, clouds and sun! Hope you find your binder, as that is so sad! But, it will be fun to remake the blocks! It will be easier the second time! Thanks for the giveaway. I love the colors in the fat quarter bundle also.

  232. OMG…I would have cried! To misplace your blocks?! I’m almost in tears for you! I have been enjoying this group so much!
    M favorite combo is purple and green. Also like brights!

  233. Blues and whites, but really love all colors. The hardest part of the SS for me is picking colors for each block. So sorry you lost your book with your blocks. Hopefully, it will turn up soon.

  234. Hello, my favorite colors are those of your Summerfest fabrics!! I love, love, love the color combinations, and have always loved oranges, turquoise, and lime green together, as they speak nothing but JOY and light!! Your fabrics are just SO pretty together, and I’d love to create something happy for our home, since our youngest son is leaving for college in just two weeks. His school color is orange, so it’d be fun and special to make something bright and colorful, like an owl pillow!! Thank you!

  235. I love blue and greens, but right now I’m working on a quilt that are sherbert colors – apricot, pinks, raspberry, yellow and I’m throwing in teal blue and lime green. I hope it works. It would be nice to make a quilt with matching fabrics for once. Hope I win, but I’ll continue to enjoy your blog regardless. :)

  236. We are about to move into our dream house and it sits on a pond, so I’m loving blues and greens, with mixes of yellow sunshine and pink flowers.
    What an amazing prize! Good luck to everyone!

  237. Lovely blocks and a great giveaway thanks. I find favourites so hard as I have so many. At the moment I am enjoying fresh pastel shades…

  238. Oh no, a lost binder?!? Don’t worry, it will turn up when you least expect it, in a most surprising place – well that always happens to me, so I’m sending good vibes to you. I love all colours, but I have to be careful not to use too many blues. Of course white works really well with blue.

  239. I am so sorry you lost your binder! Maybe a fairy took it and in a few more months you’ll find it!
    Your blocks were SO GORGEOUS!
    But the next ones will be even prettier :) I bet!
    About color combinations, I really love bright happy colors like bright blue and bright red!

  240. Losing your binder of blocks is distressing, but sometimes what we lose comes back to us. I hope you will eventually have that good fortune! My current favorite combination is red, white, and blue.

  241. I’m in love with soft yellows and greens with grey – your bundle would be just wonderful to have!

  242. My current default seems to be red and aqua, sometimes with navy thrown in. In fact, navy and anything is usually a winner with me.

  243. Ouch. That sucks, I hate it when that happens. So sorry.
    Good luck with your remaking!
    I’m still really digging coral and aqua right now. Am I so last year?

  244. I hope it’ll turn up, maybe with the kids’ scchool binders? You can’t just lose something like that! I love the background on your blocks April! I never have a favorite color as I like them all equally, but blue and white, and yellow /lime/orange always make my heart sing :)

  245. I just love the blue and greens of the ocean. The colors that remind you of a tropical vacation! Or summer and swimming! I do love your fabrics! I am confident that binder will turn up!!?

  246. Oh no!! My worst nightmare is losing the blocks it took so long to make! There’s hope you will still find them though, sending positive vibes :) I am loving teals, apricots, raspberry and lime greens at the moment, they feel so summery!

  247. My favorite colors right now are restful shades of blue, gray, tan, and green with black and white accents. They feel peaceful and relaxing like a day at the beach,, to me.

  248. I love aqua/turquoise. Combine that with red, and it’s to die for! Thank you for the opportunity
    to win your giveaway!

  249. My palette currently is jolly happy and bright Turquoises, Teal, mid-Pinks, with additions of Lime, Sunshine Yellows and Blues.
    I know that feeling of loss April. I lost the very first quilt I was making , a colorwash heart, for nearly 2 years :( carefully stashed away but not with my other sewing. Your binder will turn up when you’re least expecting it to… hopefully soon! All ahead steam with your blocks April, what a splendid journey we are embarked upon!!! Have Fun :)

  250. My favorite color combination is aqua and green. I also like the citrus colors together.

    I hope you find your missing blocks!

  251. Right now I am loving teal, pink, gray and white. I am patiently waiting to find out the gender of my baby to see if I can use those color options in a quilt! :) Good luck, and such a bummer you lost your blocks!

  252. My favorite colors are a rainbow palette. The color wheel has always given me a sense of calm. I sure hope you find your blocks!

  253. sew sad about your blocks, but a good outlook for starting again. i love rainbow, or “wayyyy too much color lolol

  254. I love aquas/teals and corals. I think they would make a good combination with the right color of gray. Thanks for the giveaway!

  255. I love ‘beachy’ colors: Aqua, turquoise, sand with pops of coral and orange. Thanks for this giveaway opportunity! Those fabrics are darling!

  256. Well, I tend to go towards anything in the brights family. But I’ve been loving the pictures with the warm colors or the cools. Of course I’ve always loved the aquas and teals with corals and pinks with them. I love that stack of yours. And OH how I know the feeling of losing blocks (and other craft items I’ve started) and had to restart or remake. I so hate that when I do that. But I always like the finished project better (and always find what I was looking for about the time I finish the blocks to the point where I was when I started to look for them)!

  257. I love aqua or teal with just about anything – corals, reds, pinks, greens, blues, yellows. I just love color!

  258. My splendid sampler blocks will be scrappy, using fabrics from my stash. My favorite color at this time is lime green!

  259. It is so hard to choose. I love teals, turquoise, any shade of blue, green, or blue-green. I also love brown and greens together, any earth tones, but jewel tones are right up there at the top of the list too.

  260. Navy and dark orange. I’m also sad you lost your blocks. Hopefully they will be a happy find later on.

  261. RIght now I’m dreaming of a picnic blanket in soft pink, blue & green. I bought some panels off a clearance table and can’t wait to see it finished.

  262. My all time favorite color is bright green, a combo for me is navy, Br. Green, aqua & red. Not in the sampler blocks that much… It’s lacking me working on them… I’ve had a time finding my mojo and color pattern with them… It has been a sad year for me… (Empty nesting) and it has hit an all time high!! ??
    Thank you for your participation in the Splindid Sampler… I will pray your book is returned to you from where ever it is!! That makes me feel sad… But I will root for you, and probably work right along side you too!! Haaa haaa!! ? Love your blog sight!! Happy sewing… Blessings

  263. My favorite color combo at present is an almost turquoise (not sure of the color name) and violet. Beautiful combination… ;-)

  264. My colors I’m drawn to are my teals but I really love purples. But Fall is right around the corner and then I am in my comfort colors. rust, golds…I’m ready

  265. I’m loving the denim collection from AGF. So surprise, surprise it’s blue, blue, and more blue. I’m blue about you losing your squares.

  266. HI
    My favorite colours are purple, pink, turquoise, and bright green. So your Sommerfest colours are just what I love. Love to win!

  267. I’m glad I’m not the only one who loses blocks…the story of my life!
    Right now my favorite color combination is purple and orange – so bright and happy!

  268. Would love to win these fabrics. I’ve been printing all of the patterns out, but haven’t decided what fabric to you. Such procrastination! Thank you for thinking of us!

  269. My current phase of fabric love is corals, aquas, cherry reds with touches of apple green and navy blue. sigh. I hope you find your blocks. Thanks for the chance to win that gorgeous collection!

  270. So sorry about your blocks. That’s one of the main reasons I don’t do a lot of QALs. I’m always afraid of losing a block or the most important instructions or something. Right now my colors are teal and navy. Love that combination. Thanks.

  271. I’ve been pleasantly challenged to step outside my comfort zone and have started to use and adore teals, reds and oranges!

  272. P.S. What a sad tale that you can’t find your completed squares. Hope they decide to emerge from their “safe storage place” soon.

  273. I’m SO sorry you lost your blocks! I hope they come home soon!
    Thank you for an opportunity to win that fabulous bundle! It’s Simply Splendid! (wink) That would inspire anyone to catch up!
    My fave color combo right now is autumn colors….browns, reds, ambers, rusts, yellows and greens. ooh la la

  274. I love lime green and purples but anything that Mother Nature likes to combine is fine with me too

  275. Hi April!

    I hope it’s not too late to enter..but even if it is, I’m loving this journey! My favorite color is Blue so anything with blue works for me!

    Diane Downes

  276. Purple and turquoise most of the time but I like brights with black, and earth colors, browns, deep reds greens and greyed blues. And then there are the pastels…. Sort of depends what day it is.

  277. I am seeing a lot of coral shades in shops that really packs a punch when combined with blue and purple.

  278. Hi!! My favorite color combinations are red, melon, green and yellow!! They are such bright, cheery colors!!

  279. Ooohhh! I absolutely love those fabrics! I’m loving turquoise and corals right now. Well and turquoise and lime, or coral and yellow…well it’s hard to pick a favorite! thanks for your wonderful giveaway.

  280. You are such a good sport about losing such a valuable binder! Here’s hoping you still find it :). My favorite colors are all the bright, cheerful colors right now. They are just happy colors to me. And they make happy quilts!

  281. My favorite colors today are orange and teal. They are lovely together. These colors make me happy and they have been fun to work with.

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