Scraps, Inc. Overcast

Scraps, Inc. Cover, Lucky Spool Media 2014

About a year ago, give or take, I got an email from a friend of mine over at Lucky Spool Media, saying she wanted to put together a scrappy quilt book, and did I want to contribute? I took one look at the concept, the inspirations, and the other participants, and my answer was a quick “Definitely!” After having my own book manuscript approved, she gave me the option of backing out of Scraps, Inc. in case it was all too much. I stuck to it–I couldn’t possibly turn down a chance to be a part of something this awesome. Now that it’s a finished book–I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of it.

I’ve talked about it before, but now I get to show you!

I’m so excited to show off Scraps, Inc. and my contribution to it, Overcast. I ADORE THIS BOOK. I ALSO ADORE THIS QUILT.

Overcast by April Rosenthal From Scraps, Inc. by Lucky Spool Media

This is Overcast, my new favorite baby. What started as an irish chain quickly morphed into a study on contrast and curves. It reminds me of colorful umbrellas on a wet pavement, seen from above. I love the meditative feel it has, and of course you all know how I feel about little squares. (Swoon.) I have Overcast back with me at home now, and it’s an instant favorite on my couch, for cuddling, for staring at…this quilt will always hold a particularly special place in my heart, as it was the first quilt I got to use a bit of my own fabric in!

The pictures are gorgeous. The quilts are beautiful. The contributors are awesome.

Scraps, Inc. Stack of Quilts, Lucky Spool Media 2014

And after all those really dramatic words, the best part about this book (to me) is that it takes something you already have (scraps) and helps you make something truly lovely out of them. There are step by step instructions, and detailed illustrations. The projects range from super simple, to a bit more involved–there’s something for everyone.

Scraps, Inc. Quilts, Lucky Spool Media 2014

This is the perfect book for yourself or for any sewist that you know. Put it on your wish list, because I promise, you want it.

And to help sweeten the deal, the publisher is giving 30% off through this blog tour. (I love deals.) Just follow this link, and then enter code SCRAPS30 at checkout, and you’ll have a beautiful book headed your way in no time.

Love you lots, friends! Go out and make something beautiful!



PS I’m the 3rd day in a 8 day blog hop. Go check out the other amazing contributors and see the beautiful quilts they contributed. It’s worth the time, truly.

Monday 17th November: Alex and Allison
Tuesday 18th November: Amy E and Amy F
Wednesday 19th November: Amy S and April
Thursday 20th November: Beth and Camille
Friday 21 November: Faith and Jeni
Monday 24 November: Kati and Lee
Tuesday 25 November: Melissa and Sherri and Susan
| Filed under Books, Quilts I've Made

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