
A little late to the party today, I’m afraid! Soccer games and end of summer work parties have kept us busy, busy, busy for the last few days! I’ve had so much fun reading about why your favorite colors are your favorites! I’m excited to ship these prizes off to these lucky ladies, though, who were nice enough to tell me all about their favorite colors!

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Email me, ladies, and let me know your address so I can ship some pretty prizes off to you! Also, remember 20% off all PDF patterns in the shop through Sunday night with code MODALOVE. And there are only a few spots left in our QuiltCast MiniSwap, we’d love to have you! Fill out the form, here, and read up on the guidelines here! Come back Monday, for lots of pretty pictures of my Best. Day. EVER! Quilts–I finally got pictures!

Happy weekend–



| Filed under Best.Day.EVER!, Giveaway

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