What I’m Working On…

I can’t even stand it anymore, I have to show you this.First off, I have to say I’m biased a bit toward this fabric. I mean, I did the printing and website for Sarah Jane for nearly 2 years. Not to mention that Sarah is one of my sweetest, most talented friends, and she’s right here in town with me! So really, I HAD to make something from her first fabric line, Children at Play, for Michael Miller.

And if you must know, I couldn’t just stop at one something. I mean, there’s a boy colorway and a girl colorway. What’s a quilter to do?

Plus, this quilt was BEGGING for some old style topstitching. Because again, this fabric was just too darling not to.

Both versions should be quilted, bound, (and ironed, ahem) in the next few days, and then, more (better) pictures. Promise.

What are YOU working on right now?

5 thoughts on “What I’m Working On…

  1. Love it! So darling!

    I am finishing up some quilt blocks for my quilt club. Then on Friday my fabric for little Miss Molly’s quilt will come and I can start on that. ;)

  2. Love it! These blocks are perfect for the prints you used! Really shows them off. I just finished my boy quilt with Sarah Jane’s fabric too. Next up, two girl ones! (FYI just saw your quilt on Pinterest.)

  3. Hi, I love your quilt. I would love to do it for my grandson! Could you please let me know what the pattern name is. I would appreciate it.

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