virtual shopping spree

Instead of spending all my money today on a bunch of really cute stuff, I’m just going to show you all the things I would spend my money on today, if I were going to, um, spend all my money on really cute stuff. Yeah, I’m not feeling super creative with the words right now, can you tell? (All pictures from the linked sites referenced.)

First up, these absolutely darling ruffle scarves that I found over at You Love Deals. They’re only there through today, and really, for $12.50? Must. Resist.

A half yard bundle of Flea Market Fancy, because I am absolutely, irrevocably in love with Denyse Schmidt.

Then there are the spring tops. I’m loving these thin, lacey tops and camisoles.From J. Peterman

And this one, from Eddie Bauer, but I want it in Almond.

This wallet. (Those COLORS <3)

These shoes. Pink snake print? Um, yes.

This top. (Fossil is killing me.)

This skirt. Orange. Grey. Sigh.


Also, a half yard bundle of Curious Nature. It is just way too manly, rugged, and sophisticated at the same time to pass up. Thanks Parson Grey/David Butler.

I’d love to day that’s all I’m trying not to put in my shopping cart today, but I’m sure I could find something else if you give me another few seconds.

What are you wishing you could buy right now?


| Filed under Things I Love

10 thoughts on “virtual shopping spree

    1. Oh, I know, it’s always hard not to start dreaming up entire home renovations at IKEA. I think they do it on purpose. Can’t wait for you to close on your house!! :)

  1. wish I may, wish I want, but not tonight……I day dream during sunny days, of new furniture, weight loss, bright cllothing…..but when night falls, I’m thankful for what I have

  2. Oh man — those are all so cute! I’m feeling like buying gardening supplies and organizing tools! Especially for the kitchen!

  3. Pfaff (and if we are to dream big it should probably be Expression 4.0) and lots of fabric, Curious Nature included.
    Oh, and modern square necklace from pineapple seed.

  4. I say, get the J. Peterman top. It is SO YOU. And besides–you look good, you feel good. You feel good, you are more creative. You’re more creative, you make TONS more money. Get my drift?

    Buy the top.
    Mind your mother.

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