Twelve Words Block of the Month #6: June Delight

June Delight

Hello sweet friends!

Here’s my fun June block for the Twelve Words Block of the Month.
June Delight
I kinda love it.
June Delight
It turned out to be a delightful surprise, as I had a different block planned and finished for June, but when I put it alongside the previous 5 blocks, it just didn’t jive, you know what I mean?
June Delight
Turns out that block will work out better later in the year, and this block works perfectly now.
June Delight
Sometimes, the most delightful surprises aren’t the ones you planned. They aren’t things you control or expect.
June Delight

As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.

Emmanuel Teney

June Delight
I think I’m going to plaster that on my wall somewhere. For the less-than-delightful surprises.


PS Let’s make this block, shall we? Miss the previous blocks? Here you go: January, February, March, April, and May.



(12-15) fabric strips in widths between 3/4″ and 2½” wide.

(1) 3½” x 18″ linen fabric strip (for middle strip)

(1) 10″ x 4″ dark colored rectangle

(1) 12½” x 12½” piece of lightweight paper (I used newsprint.)


Use a glue stick to temporarily adhere your linen strip across the paper square, on a diagonal, making sure it is evenly centered.

Block6CPlace next strip right sides together and sew to the right edge of the linen strip.

Block6BPress away from the linen.

Block6DContinue placing, sewing, and pressing strips to cover the newsprint out to the corner.

Block6ERepeat on the left side.

Gently tear away newsprint paper.

Block6FApplique word using your favorite method. (Tutorial for machine applique using fuseable web, here.)

Block6GTrim the block to 12½” square, being sure to center the linen strip on the diagonal.

Download the template for the word here.

Post pictures in the flickr group. :)

9 thoughts on “Twelve Words Block of the Month #6: June Delight

  1. I Love this months block! Once again another fun and great one. I can’t wait to find out what month will be the block that didn’t work for this month! Thank you!

  2. Just love your blog! And I’ve fallen in love with your Twelve Words BOM! What a truly novel idea. I can’t wait to share your blog on my own blog as I think my students (I teach quilt classes) will love your BOM. Thank you for sharing your past blocks too. Your photos and displays are great!

    1. Thanks Barb, and welcome! So glad you found my little blog. Thank you for sharing my Block of the Month! I’m having a good time with it, and I hope other people are too. :)

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