Twelve Words Block of the Month #10: October Create

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

October. The beginning of the magical holiday season, here in my neck of the woods.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

As a child, October 1st signaled this thing, this almost tangible shift in the air of anticipation, and surprises, and things out of the ordinary, sure to delight.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

As a mama, that’s how I want my children to feel–and I do my darndest to create that magic in our home, in our lives, in our traditions.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

We say farewell to the summer with a bonfire at the equinox, and we begin plotting and planning and decorating for the festivities to come.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

We create reasons to spend time together, to make and do together.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

In the end, much of the magic is created by Mama (and Daddy too) being a little more in the moment, a little more willing to do those things that are less than convenient.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

I believe, after all, that we are all Creators, for sure.

Twelve Words Block of the Month: September Bloom by April Rosenthal

Plus, I like the title. Mom: Creator of Magic.

Make some magic, friends.





The instructions on this block are quick and simple, kids.

Use the paper piecing pattern to make 4 quarter blocks. (I made mine with (not very pretty) Y seams, and thought you’d like this way better. :)


Stitch quarter blocks together to make a full block. Press seams open to reduce bulk where you will appliquĂŠ.


Trace appliquĂŠ words on to fuse able interfacing, adhere to wrong side of fabric, and cut out.

Iron on letters, then stitch around.



Download the paper piecing pattern here.


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