Sweet Celebrations
 with the Moda Bake Shop Chefs
 (and a giveaway!)

Alright people, I’ve got news. Big news. See that really cute book up there? It’s the second Moda Bake Shop book! I’m super excited about it because I loved the first Bake Shop book, but I’m even more excited because I got to contribute to it! It’s been almost a year since I submitted proposals and started sewing, and now, finally, finally, I can tell you about it!

The premise of the book is really fun. It’s all centered around holidays and celebrations, with tons of unique projects for every season and every party. It comes out this fall (October) and I can’t wait to show you more! I’d love to show you my projects, but that’s still a surprise–so instead, you get to guess what I made! Or rather, you get to guess which holiday my project is for.

And believe me, you want to guess, because here’s what’s in it for you. A Junior Jelly Roll of Simply Color Ombre strips–part of my sweet friend Vanessa Christenson’s debut line with Moda. You really, really, want to get your hands on some of this. It’s fabulous I tell you. (And if you don’t win, you can buy it in October).

So. Make a comment telling me what holiday you think my project is for. I’ll give you a hint: I’ve blogged about celebrating it here in my home. Then, tell your friends to guess too, because if there are more than 100 guesses, I’ll throw another prize into the mix.

Like I said, you’re going to want to tell your friends. Blog about it, Facebook it, Tweet it, whatever you have to do. ‘Cause you really want a chance at this Fat Eighth Bundle of Marmalade by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. If there aren’t a hundred entries, well, I’m going to keep it for myself (orange fabric!) and you’ll be the sad, sad, person waiting until October to get your hands on it.

Guess away my friends! (I’m so excited for this book, and these fabrics! October is going to be awesome!)


PS You have until next Tuesday, July 31st at 11:59pm MST to enter.

EDIT: Contest closes Sunday, August 5th at 11:59pm MST.

I’m going to wait a few more days to draw winners–because I realized, I already have my own bundle of Marmalade! This one is for you guys! That gives you plenty of time to spam everyone you know into entering. ;) Winner(s) will be announced Monday, August 6th. One entry per person, please. Good luck!
PPS Did you see my post yesterday? You really should hang out with me on Instagram. Fun times.

| Filed under Giveaway, News

153 thoughts on “Sweet Celebrations
 with the Moda Bake Shop Chefs
 (and a giveaway!)

  1. It must be one of my favorites. I love the fall and harvest time…along with that is … Halloween! Plus my birthday is a few days before. Love, Love, Love Halloween ;-)

  2. Well since I kind of already know it wouldn’t be right to just blurt it out now would it. So I’m hoping my comment still counts for the drawing and that I get bonus points (or an extra chance in the drawing) for keeping it totally to myself all these months – which by the way has not been easy to do because I’m so excited about your project and the book and everything you do!!! Congrats, can hardly wait to see it.

    P.S. For those of us that don’t have the fancy tech gadget you do how can we keep up on the latest? Instagram????

  3. Hannakah? I’m really excited about the book too. I just really started sewing at the beginning of the year and I love all the ideas books like this provide.

  4. I’ll guess Halloween, I’ve been thinking about all the Halloween projects I didn’t get to last year.

  5. Well, I don’t celibate many holidays . . . . Maybe an anniversary? Oh or a graduation. That would be very good. Hope the book has fun projects for those celebrations too

  6. You are amazing! Congratulations on the upcoming book. Since I know… my lips are sealed…. mmmmm

  7. Hannakah would be nice because there aren’t that many projects out there for it and I have a friend who loves to decorate for the holiday.

  8. I don’t see any guesses for New Year’s Eve, so I will guess that. Congratulations on the new book, it looks great!
    Hello from Canada.

  9. I’m going to guess birthdays or Halloween. Can I do that? My birthday is at the end of October, so it’s kind of a Halloween birthday! ;) Thanks for the inspiration! :) Oh, and I LOVE fall too!! Glad I found your blog

  10. I’m thinking maybe a birthday? Thanks so much for the chance to win! The fabric looks delicious, not to mention the book!

  11. I’m going to guess Easter, because it’s spring and all the flowers start blooming in glorious color!

  12. I’m hoping for some fun Fall projects to start on, so I’ll guess Thanksgiving. I’d love to win some lovely Moda fabric. Looking forward to seeing the book.
    Kathy O.

  13. A birthday of a new baby! This is one of the most wonderfull celebrations so that’s my guess. What a beautifull giveaway!

  14. I think you made something for Easter. Love the giveaway and I love the first book! I’m so excited there is going to be a second one!

  15. Halloween is my guess…. oh how I would love to win!!! Can’t wait for this book!!! Congratulations on getting to contribute to it, how exciting!

  16. New Years! Or not, but I love both the fabric lines you’ve planned to give away, so I’m giving it a shot.

  17. Well, if I were to guess this one, I’d say Christmas! Thanks for such a wonderful opportunity to win!

  18. Sew many holidays to choose from…..sew I’ll assume I guessed correctly and while we’re at it….I’ll let you choose me to win…LOL!!

  19. Its got to be Halloween!! :) Thanks for the great giveaway! Cannot wait to make something with Marmalade!!

  20. I am going to guess Christmas or Halloween.
    I can’t wait to see the book. Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  21. Based on some of the comments I read I feel like I may be the only one who doesn’t know. I would say ANZAC Day or Australia Day but I doubt you even know when they are… since you aren’t down under with me I am going to guess my favourite Holiday which we share which is CHRISTMAS.
    Congratulations on your inclusion in the book, can’t wait to see more. Oh and please let the creative person who made the Apron on the cover know I AM IN LOVE. Can you tell I am a little apron obsessed.

  22. I think it is the fourth of July because of the fire works on your blog! I can’t wait to see what you came up with for your project!

  23. What beautiful fabric! I’m going to guess Halloween! As I need to get my Halloween quilt going… Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  24. For the first time here. I enjoyed it. No idea, what your holiday item is. Just love it all. But I ‘ll guess halloween.
    Love from holland, Clara

  25. Groundhogs Day? ; )
    What an sweet giveaway. I’m gonna sit here with my fingers crossed until you tell me I’ve won!

  26. I would guess Valentines Day just because it’s my favorite. I really have no idea. Thanks for the chance to win and beautiful website. You have such good taste!

  27. I hope it’s ok for a man to enter. I would give it to my quilting daughter.
    I guess Presidents Day. It’s just unique enough to be it. Thanks!

  28. Im gonna go with your Hanukkah/Christmas tradition of celebrating both to teach your children about their heritage. I love all your creativeness so I’m sure whatever your holiday was, it’s probably the cutest project ever!!

  29. I’m going to guess Hanukkah. Thanks for the chance to win some great fabric. I have the first book and will have to get this one too. Congratulations on having your project in the book.

  30. I’d say Easter. Hope to get a copy of that book too! I’m so in love with Vanessa’s new line! So simple and so totally V! Thx! Jenn

  31. I’m going with Halloween…not only is it the best holiday around, it’s also my son’s birthday! I’m hoping that since you are announcing the winner on my birthday (August 6) that will give me an extra edge to win ;)

  32. Halloween, is my guess! V& Co posted this giveaway on FB and I am dieing to get my hands on some of her ombres for the Salt Lake Modern Quilting dresdens and entries are due in Sept!

  33. Ohhh – I LOVE fabric and both of these fabric lines. I can’t wait until it comes out. I am going to guess St. Patty’s day (but since this is a first time to your blog, I really don’t know). It won’t be my last visit though!

  34. I don’t have a clue… is it Christmas? Thanks for the awesome giveaway, by the way. I love V & Co. Her stuff is gorgeous!

  35. I’m guessing the 4th of July holiday. It’s my favorite holiday because it’s 1 day before my birthday.

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