I’ve had a hard time sitting down to write this post because there is just so much to say. I was amazed, over and over this past week, at the depths of people’s hearts. Seriously. This has been a great opportunity for me to really see how good people are. I think sometimes I get so caught up in the the mean, or insensitive, or cruel things some people do, that I forget that most people have really, really good hearts.
At one point, I counted more than 75 people there working on quilts. (I have lots of pictures of the actual event, but due to the nature of quilting, each picture has a less than flattering view of someone’s backside–and I’m sure they don’t want it out there for the world to see…) My final head count was 96 volunteers throughout the day–and that’s just who signed in. I am so grateful for everyone who spread the word–via Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and email. Our local news station even picked it up and helped tell people. (Thanks Channel 4!)
It definitely took a lot of help to pull this off, and the help is still needed. (More on that later) First, a big huge thank you to everyone who came and helped tie. I literally couldn’t have done it without you. 3 or 4 quilts this weekend maybe. Not more than 40.
Second, thank you thank you to those who donated–whether it was fabric, batting, cookies, money for shipping, yarn–you made this possible.
Also, a grateful thank you to Kimberly and the Fat Quarter Shop (who donated this beauty for quilts).
She has one of the kindest hearts, and was one of the first to respond to my asking for donations. (And if you even need fabric, or patterns, of ANY kind, just go to her site and buy it. You won’t be sorry. Seriously.)
Alli at Robert Kaufman Fabrics was also quick to respond with more beautiful fabric. To all of you, thank you doesn’t seem sufficient, but it is so, so, sincere.
Here are the stats:
36 completed quilts
8 nearly complete (still need binding or tying)
15+ kits out to volunteers
19 kits still need to be completed (see update)
I can finish up the ones that are nearly done…but I’m going to need help with those 19 kits. Many hands make light work, and all that. SO, if you’re willing to finish up a quilt or two, I’d be much obliged. Unfortunately, I can’t ship the materials out to anyone, so hopefully I have enough volunteers around here to help me finish.
UPDATE: The kits are spoken for, friends. Of course, you’re still welcome to get the materials for a quilt, finish it up, and bring it by, and I’ll get it out to CO. You guys are amazing. Really and truly.
For those of you who asked how these are getting to Japan, I will be donating them through Quilter’s Newsletter’s call for quilts. That way, I can ship them to Colorado instead of Japan, and they will ship them to Japan.
If we can get this all done, that’s more than 70 people who will sleep a little warmer.
This has seriously been an amazing event. Please, please comment and let me know if you’re able to take a kit and finish it.We’re hoping to ship the first batch today or tomorrow, and the rest in about 2 weeks.
PS: Another big thank you to Amy, Launi, Wendy, and Sachiko, who used their blogs to get the word out, too. xoxo
So cool! I will talk to you tomorrow about taking a quilt or two. Such a great job! ;)
You’re going to be helping me with those pretty fat quarters, lady. :)
Kylee and I would be glad to do 1-2 quilts.
Awesome! I’ll drop them by your house when I get a minute tomorrow.
Thanks again for pulling this all together, April. You are amazing. I have two of the quilts at my house ready to bind. It was a great experience to be a part of.
It was, wasn’t it? I’m so glad we had the opportunity to do something. Thanks for all your help, you’re too sweet. xoxo
I had fun thanks for doing this you are literally the answer to a prayer we had the previous monday thanks again much love wendy
Thanks for mentioning our Quilts for Japan effort! We really appreciate it and we’re looking forward to getting your quilts!
Kelly M. Smith
Senior Editor
Quilters Newsletter
I am an army wife living in Okinawa, Japan. While we are a tiny island about 1000 miles south of mainland, this disaster has affected everyone here very hard. We have a very small quilt guild on the island and we were asked not to do quilts, but have been asked to make drawstring backpacks that they are using to put together comfort and school packs for the kids. There are 6 of us working on this. We sent 25 backpacks up today with a soldier heading that way and we will be working as a group all weekend.
We are taking everything out of our personal stashes since we can’t ask for donations, and I’m so proud of how deep the ladies are giving.
Sorry for going on long, but I know how much those quilts are going to be appreciated. I have friends up there and get reports all the time on how things are going. So from the people in my “adopted” country thanks great work ladies.
Hi Jeanne. In New Zealand I am trying to find friends who will also do quilts for Japan.However I see from your comment that children need small backpacks. Maybe this is something similar to ” It’s my very own bag’ in USA. I would so like to do the packs, do you have a pattern, design or size that i could base the bags on? I would so appreciate this. I have not been on this site before so I assume that when you see my comment you can send an email somehow. Cheers from Jean in NZ
Wow — awesome!
I wish I’d heard about this sooner, or remembered to come! (I’m in Provo).
super cool that you were able to finish so many quilts!
April–I was so pleased to hear about your quilting event from Alyna, and wished we were closer. I’m glad it went so well and that so many will benefit!
You might need a follow-up Saturday to finish things! ;D
HUGS to you, your mom, and all from back East!
Hello. I came to your blog via Amy Smart’s diary of a quilted blog. I have been working on a quilt ever since. I just need to know how to get it to you. It still needs about three more days of work (rag quilt-cutting) and I’m in Utah. Will you let me know how to get it to you?
quilts pattern is beautiful…