My first pattern in a magazine

I’m pretty darn excited, I’ve got to tell you!

I got my advance copies of Quilter’s Newsletter’s Best Fat Quarter Quilts yesterday and I had to show off to my mom and my craft night girls last night. I just couldn’t help it! I mean, it’s not every day a gal has her first quilt in a magazine. It’s a pretty neat thing to make something and have a whole team of people help you show it to the world. The ladies at Quilter’s Newsletter were great to work with, and despite some crazy shipping snafus, everything turned out well in the end.

In case you don’t remember, or weren’t around when we did this, I first met the Quilter’s Newsletter team when we made quilts to send to Japan. My mom and I drove the quilts out to Colorado because we had such an incredible response we couldn’t pay to ship all the quilts we had, and we got to meet everyone then. They asked me to submit a design to their magazine, I did, and now here it is in print!

You’ll definitely want to head out and purchase this when it hits newsstands on October 18th–not just for my sweet Confetti Parade pattern (though it’s pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself)–but because I’m in great company in this issue: Pat Bravo of Art Gallery Fabrics fame, Amanda Murphy using her own beautiful Veranda fabric, and Darlene Zimmerman (also using her new fabric line Sweethearts).

So gather up some fat quarters and get ready to hunker down with this magazine! More pictures of and details about the quilt (including close ups of Natalia‘s awesome machine quilting) when the issue is out.




Don’t forget to enter the contest if you haven’t already (and read the post, you can earn more than one entry…) Comments close Sunday night at 11:59pm.

Head on over to see Scott’s Quilt Uber-fest block today, and then come back here tomorrow–it’s my turn to show off my block!

| Filed under Prairie Grass Patterns, Press

26 thoughts on “My first pattern in a magazine

  1. It is pretty awesome! You did such a great job and the picture they took of the quilt is amazing! Super proud of you, you better get the Sharpies out and ready for all the signing you will be doing! ;)

  2. okay, now you know I’m going to take you up on that ‘comment on each post this week’ thing…and I still love the Queen Quilter #3 the best ;)

  3. Congratulations. How exciting to be a published quilt designer. You must be so very chuffed. Enjoy the accolades.

  4. What wonderful news! That just made my… night! Morning! And whatever it is now it is–afternoon?–now for you over in the states :) Congratulations! I’m way excited to see the magazine in person! Way to do the seemingly impossible Prel!

  5. Wow. How exciting for you to see your work in a magazine. Congratulations!!!!!!!

    I am SUPER happy your quilt post for the UberFest was today. AND that I read more than just that one post on your blog. I had seen this magazine your quilt is in and told my husband the name but the picture on the blog I’d seen it on had a different magazine pictured so when I sent the information to him it was very confusing given the picture of the magazine didn’t match what I was telling him. Now I know the name AND have the right picture for him. To explain why that even matters; he stops at the bookstore on his way home from work to pick up magazines for me because the store is near his work. The closest bookstore near our home is about 35 minutes and they’ve moved the magazines all the way to the furthest back wall of their store. I have very bad knees and it’s extremely painful for me to get into the store much less walk all the way to the back. Those bookstores are getting larger and larger now. LOL But, to stop my rambling …… thank you SO much for this post so that he now knows which one exactly that I wanted. (I send the name and then picture of the magazine which makes it much easier for him to find in the sea of quilting magazines he’s got to look through)

    Your quilt is beautiful. I can totally understand why it was chosen.

  6. Yay!! That is so exciting! I bet your mommy is just so proud of you, not to mention yourself!! And that is such a fun quilt to show off!! Great Job April!!

  7. Congratulations! It is very exciting! First magazine publishing and more to go. Fun striking quilt. Thank you for the humanitarian quilts for Japan. Best Wishes.

  8. I rarely buy quilting magazines but I’m for sure going to buy this one. I LOVE your quilt – the pattern and the colors – AND it’s FQ friendly! Can’t wait.

  9. All of us at Quilters Newsletter love April and her quilts and are thrilled we “found” her first! (Actually, she found us when she brought us that truckload of quilts for Japan.)

    April, hope to see you at market next week.

    Dana Jones, QN managing editor

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