Midnight Moon QAL – Bonus Block 1 – Batty Bat

Batty Bat Quilt Block, by April Rosenthal made with Midnight Magic 2 and Twinkle fabrics

Welcome friends–today I’m sharing the first bonus block for the Midnight Moon Quilt Along. This block is called Batty Bat and I’m so excited to share it with you!

This free block was so fun to make, and I really want to make a whole bunch of them now and make a whole batty quilt, haha. I mean, look how fun this basic alternating layout is–and adding in that black on white floral adds the perfect gothic Dracula touch! #battybatquilt

The Batty Bat Quilt

In my spare time I’ll get on that. ;)

Meanwhile, enjoy this block, and the Midnight Moon Quilt Along!

Download the free printable block here:

Batty Bat Free Halloween Block Pattern

And if you’re looking for more scrappy fun to add to your Midnight Moon quilt, I have very limited bundles of the original Midnight Magic (out of print!) in my shop, while supplies last. There are several different bundles so go browse and snag one while you can!

Get the bundles here: Midnight Magic Fabric Bundles



If you’re on Instagram I’ll be sharing blocks using the hashtag – #modamidnightmoonqal.

See you next Saturday!


If you want to get started and follow along, head over to Moda’s post for all the info:

Midnight Moon QAL – Introduction

11 thoughts on “Midnight Moon QAL – Bonus Block 1 – Batty Bat

  1. Thank you for the Batty Bat pattern. I’m ready to go make at least one right now. I love Halloween almost as much as Christmas and love Halloween fabrics.

  2. Thank you for the Batty Bat pattern. Just watched Pat Sloan’s video which features this block and she mentioned that there was a correction to be made — Item G should be (2) 2″ x 4″ strips (this is fabric to go on either side of the bat head). Thought you would like to know! Thank you again for the fun pattern.

    1. Thanks. Started sewing this-did not get very far and found something is not right!!
      Unfortunately I was trying to use my 5” charms and now may not have enough to finish.

  3. April thank you so much for the bat block. I cannot wait to make it. But…. I was just watching Pat Sloan‘s video and she says that “G” should be two 2 1/2 inch strips in order to fit on either side of the bat’s head. The instructions have you cutting two 1 1/2 inch strips for “G”. Just thought you would want to know.

  4. hi, when i go to print the bat pattern out,it’s all black and the pattern doesn’t coming out… is there any other place i can print it out from? thanks

    1. Jeanice, Does the pattern come up at all? If so try clicking on the tiny down pointing arrow in the upper right corner with a ] underneath it, does that make sense? After clicking, it will open up into a new window. Then you should be able to download it.

      1. the pattern does come up and I try that and the paper still comes out total black….not sure why it won’t print out,I can print everything else but this…thank you
        my husband will try to print from his computer and I’ll let you know if it works
        thanks for your help

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