Magazines, and Winner!


Wow you guys! It’s like you love April Showers fabric or something!

I have a few fun things to show you real quick and then I’ll get on with announcing the winner.

First: I got this fun quilt back,


and I had totally forgotten about it!


Because of printing deadlines, and magazine release timeframes,


I made this quilt way back in the spring, sent it off, and barely remembered it.


It was really fun to get it back, and have a Christmas quilt in my house this year!


I made it with various quilting cottons from my stash,


and backed it with a fabulous retro print from Michael Miller.


The backing fabric inspired my color choices on the embroidery. I mean really, who can resist pink, aqua, red, and green presents?


I did the embroidery with some really pretty floss from Sublime Stitching, and it has held its’ color through multiple washings, and hasn’t pilled up or lost texture. There’s no bleeding on to the white background. Basically, this floss rocks. And no, they didn’t pay me to say that. They have some great colors over there. Go check them out.

The Best Christmas Quilts magazine hit newsstands a few months ago, but I’d imagine you can still get your hands on it.

Speaking of getting your hands on magazines, my Mother-in-Law told me just the other day…


…that she saw that my very first magazine was out on the stands again, reprinted!


So, if you missed your chance to get a hold of Best Fat Quarter Quilts when it was out the first time,


and are just dying to make Confetti Parade,


head on out and pick up your copy before it’s out of print again.


I’ve had my Confetti Parade quilt hanging in my living room for quite some time now, and so far, I’m still not sick of looking at it.

Okay, enough of my chatter…

How about a winner?!

The winner of the April Showers layer cake, and a couple of my new patterns is Sue, comment number 28! (As chosen by

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Sue, there’s an email in your inbox, message me back so I can ship out your goodies ASAP!

I’m gearing up to record another episode of QuiltCast with Amy Ellis tomorrow. Have you been listening?




| Filed under Magazines, Quilts I've Made

5 thoughts on “Magazines, and Winner!

  1. Wow! I can’t believe I am so lucky! What a great giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win…..and I did!!!!!!

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