Machine Quilting: Lynnette’s Prep School Knockout Double Swirls

I machine quilted this cute version of my Prep School Knockout pattern made by my sweet pattern tester, Lynnette. She made it for me nearly a year ago, and I just haven’t had the chance to get it done. At first, I thought I would try big squared off spirals in each of the squares made by the ric rac intersecting. I gave it a shot on the first row of squares and realized it’s really, really hard. Apparently, it’s much easier to make curvy lines on a longarm, and straight lines on a conventional machine.

The things you learn!

I was persistent, though, and kept at it, hoping I would get better as I went. It was definitely slow going, and I wasn’t super happy with how it looked. I mean, the straight lines weren’t really…straight. You may not know this about me, but that kind of thing drives me crazy.

I forced myself to keep at it, knowing that it takes practice, and that this quilt was staying with me so I wasn’t disappointing anyone. Then, I advanced the quilt, and realized the tension was AWFUL on the back. Aha! An excuse to undo the unevenness! I spent the next 2 days unpicking the nearly 900 square inches of yucky not straight lines. Call me crazy.

I started over doing a double spiral, which I have done a million times on my little Bernina. It was so fun, and easy, and looks awesome! Guess I shouldn’t have forced the straight lines. It worked out great, too, because the spirals could fit in the curves of the ric rac, making it puff out a bit. I love it!

So there you go, the double spiral. Also, the adventures and misadventures of a newbie longarm quilter!



PS The fabric on this quilt is Bliss from the lovely Bonnie and Camille for Moda. Such an awesome line! You probably can’t find much of it around anymore, but their new line Ruby is equally darling, and is in stores now.


15 thoughts on “Machine Quilting: Lynnette’s Prep School Knockout Double Swirls

  1. You were right! I love it! The stitching is gorgeous. Glad you changed from straight lines. However, I would never have unpicked that much and that might friend is the difference of why I will never be a great quilter. In this, I will just muddle through.

    1. Ha ha. I’m pretty sure you would have had to unpick this…the backside was that bad. And I’m still waiting to see that quilt you’re making. Ahem.

  2. April it is wonderful! I really really like it, you’re a pro! It would be fun to see the back too – hint hint. I’m so glad I get to be your sewing tester – it’s just amazing all finished up. It was worth all the unpicking – and I understand, I would have done it too :) ya, there’s probably therapy in both our futures.

    1. I took some pictures of the back, but the stitching is really hard to see. I’ll take some more after it it bound and washed. I’m pretty sure the pattern will be obvious then. (And I love that you’re my tester too!) xoxo

    1. I finished another one today and I have a stack waiting to be done for customers. You’d better get yours over here quick!

  3. Do you have a tutorial or something like it showing us how to do these double swirls?? I would love to learn it. Thx!

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