Light the Menorah

There’s just nothing like some great Christmas music, the lights dimmed, the twinkle of the tree, and some hot chocolate or chamomile tea. Nothing.

I haven’t really put out all my decorations, because let’s face it: I have two (nearly) 3-year-olds. (I can’t believe they’re almost 3–so cliche, but where did the time go?) I figure some of my things don’t stand a chance with that duo around, so I’ll leave them in boxes for the next coupla years. We put up the tree though, and the goobers were just so tickled. I think they laid under it for a good 5 minutes, just staring. Honestly I don’t think they’ve ever been that still for that long. Ever. At least while they’re awake.

I’m also doing some seasonal sewing around here that I can’t wait to show you. Stay tuned. (Psst! I’ve heard there will be a table runner pattern posted on Friday. Just sayin’.) And after that, I have to dig in to the absolutely delicious new fabric that Lissa sent my way (thanks again! mwa!). I have so many ideas for it, I can’t wait to get started.

We have a fun tradition at our house: our annual Hanukkah party. This year falls extra early, starting today, and so I’ve been more in a Hanukkah mode than Christmas.

I know, I know. Hanukkah and Christmas in the same sentence. Lemme ‘splain.

Jacob (my sweet husband) grew up celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas in his home because his father grew up Jewish, then later converted to Christianity. Still, the holidays and traditions of his childhood held a special place for him, and he wanted his children to know their heritage. So they celebrated and learned. When we were married, we wanted to continue the tradition. So in our home, there are dreidels sitting alongside manger scenes, menorahs reflecting the twinkle lights on the tree.  Sort of seems like a paradox, but really, they’re both beautiful holidays that celebrate the miracles that a loving Father performed for his children and I find that they complement each other beautifully.

Plus, I make killer latkes.

Hence the annual party. Not sure if you’re aware, but you can’t really make just a few latkes. The recipe starts with something like 5 pounds of potatos and more than a few onions. If I ate all 20,000 latkes (and I could, they are AMAZING) I’d be more than 5 pounds heaver, that’s for sure. Plus, around here, next to no one has ever really been exposed to Hanukkah, and it’s fun to share something new and lovely with friends.

So things are in full holiday swing over here, with 7 parties in the next two weeks, and 5 birthdays (including mine!) and we’re loving it. Now all we need is a blizzard, and the season will be perfect.

Hope your holidays are shaping up just perfectly, whether you celebrate one holiday or a few.


| Filed under Holidays

5 thoughts on “Light the Menorah

  1. Beautiful pictures too :) Love the blur effect…. even though I can still tell what (or who!) is in the background. Love both of those holidays. So great!

  2. I found your blog, looking for “Names for Quilt parts,” because my 15yog is writing a speech comparing 4-H to a quilt. I love the way you write, and I love your blending of 2 traditions!

    Happy birthday to you, and enjoy all your Holy days! My baby is now 7, and the time does fly.

  3. Ohhh, this is another beautiful post! I love this season! I’m grateful that you share your blending of traditions, because now it’s a part of our traditions as well! I’m a fan of holidays, friends and celebrations… you can’t have too many of any of them. Oh, and food! You do make delicious latkes! :D

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