How about them apples?

I just have to say: there is something incredibly, immensely, overwhelmingly satisfying about growing your own food. I know I’ve said it before, probably more than once, but seriously, I can’t get over how awesome it is to plant a little seed, and get so much in return.

Plus, I’m quite proud of my little apple tree! Only 3 years old and producing me these amazingly beautiful apples? Great work little tree!

I love that I’m going to make applesauce with these, knowing they haven’t been sprayed with chemicals. Knowing they are safe and wholesome for my kiddos. I’m a sucker for stuff like that.

You know what else is awesome? Not one worm. Not one bug.

Apples. Just one more thing I LOVE about autumn.

Happy weekend!

PS: Thanks for all the love about my magazine pattern! You guys are the best. (It hit stands on Tuesday!)  xoxo

| Filed under Things I Love

5 thoughts on “How about them apples?

  1. Beautiful! God is Good-God is Great-Let us thank him for our food!
    Looking for your magazine!
    thanks again for the charms received this week.

  2. Oh man — those apples are gorgeous!!! That is so cool that it only took 3 years for your tree to produce like that!!! Have fun making yummies with them!

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