
Thought that would get your attention.

I’m so excited to be able to work with Josephine Kimberling’s Just Dandy (Robert Kaufman) for one of my upcoming patterns. It’s beautiful! I mean, I love it in the pictures online, but seeing it and working with it in person is another thing entirely. It’s simply intoxicating. The prints play so nicely together, and there’s just enough unpredictability in the colors to make it really, truly unique. (That yellow? Swoon.)

So, to celebrate spring (yay!) and to reward you lovely people for being patient with my lack of attention around here, a fat quarter bundle, just for you.

I’m not above bribery.

To put your name in for this little pretty, leave a comment telling me what your favorite color (or colors!) are to create with. If you want more than one entry? Follow me on Twitter, like on facebook, subscribe to the newsletter, or the feed, tweet about it, blog about it. Technically, my friends, you could get in to win this thing 7 times. Oh, and if you’ll leave a separate comment for each entry (and link me to your post/tweet if you did those), that will help me make sure you get counted the right number of times. If you’re already following/friending/liking/subscribing/whatever, just tell me that in the comment. Totally still counts!

Winner will be chosen Friday, May 6th.

In other news, I’ll be listing some of my extra precut fabrics in the shop in the next day or two. Gotta do some spring cleaning in my studio. Seriously. The place is overflowing. Besides, I’m fairly sure you guys can always find a place for Bliss, Fandango, City Weekend, Simple Abundance…just to name a few. A couple of these lines haven’t been easy to find of late. You could get lucky! Keep your eyes peeled.

Next week? New patterns! I can hardly wait to show you the amazing work Natalia did on the quilting. Honestly? That girl is a machine quilting goddess.

Mwa! (And get those entries in!)



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87 thoughts on “giveaway!

  1. I love the turquoise/aqua/sky blue family…in fact, I have to stop myself from using one of those colors every time I start a new project or else my house is going to end up monochromatic!

  2. So many colors to choose from. Every time I see different combinations you have put together I fall in love with it. Love the fun bright colors and the browns too. Fun stuff

  3. I love bright colors . . . . kind of a new direction for me. I usually quilt with country colors but my 12 yr. old daughter is turning me on to rainbow colors with white contrast.

  4. I have been making a lot of baby quilts lately–5 expectant moms at work. So…pinks and blues and yellows combined with a yummy chocolate brown have been flying through my sewing machine. thanks!!

  5. Right now I am loving yellow and blue together and as a natural consequence – green!! Who would have thunk!!

  6. I’m just a sucker for fabric and I love all colors. However, I love using ivory, chocolate brown, and orange.

  7. I dont’ know if I have just one color that I prefer to work with, I love them all! Most recently I made a quilt for my daughter from the line of fabric called “Happy”, it is full of really bright colors, and so I think I’ll say “bright” is my favorite color to work with. :)

  8. Oh, I’m a follower on Google Reader, actually. I think I first added your blog to my reader when I saw you in the Moda Bake Shop. :)

  9. That is beautiful fabric. My very favorite colors are purple and red, but I enjoy working with a variety. Jewel tones, black and white with a pop of color, the creamy pastels. I like them all!

  10. My stash is full of country colors, but my eye is drawn to the browns and pinks lately…need to break out of my rut!

  11. I just love teal….the vintage teal color. It plays so well with other colors. Love it! Love your blog too!

  12. I love your fabric. I am kind of all over in what colors I like. I love the blue and green combinations. i love pinks. I really like the earth tones. It depends. And I really want to be a great quilter like you. I am following you on FB too.Thanks April

  13. I love pink as my main color, with yellow as a secondary color. It’s green or orange as the third color usually depending on what I’m doing :)

  14. I’m pretty much in love with all brightly colored things! My favorites are constantly changing. Right now, I’m a little obsessed with bright cherry-red.

  15. Thanks for the giveaway :)
    I feel safe with blue/aqua and brown, but there will be some red and pink in my next projects and I love the combination of red pink and brown already.

  16. I follow your blog through my blog list (as it very nicely shows me when your blog has been updated and that way I don’t miss anything)

  17. love your blog, love your quilts, love the pink, yellow, green.
    love your giveaway, thanks.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous rich colours! I love these- I am just about to buy your zig zag pattern and I think that these would look great.

  19. I am going to blog about it since that is the only thing that I sorta know how to do- I can’t twitter or do facebook. And to answer the colour question, i love blue and green but I have recently made myself start on a orange and purple quilt.

  20. I “like” you on facebook. Right now I’m loving anything brightly colored; maybe that’s spring talking.

  21. My fav colors to create with are blue and green….I can’t seem to keep from buying them ;) However, I have started a collection of pink and light grays…and when I get enough (not sure when that will be), I will make a quilt!!

  22. I also subscibed to your mailing list!! I am looking forward to seeing what you put post now!!

  23. First time I have ever given a comment on a blog!
    Your giveaway enticed me, I love all the colors, yellow is my number 1 choice, all the colors are wonderful!

  24. My fave colors change daily… ok, hourly… but right now I’m rather smitten with greens.

  25. I love turquoise and brown. I just need some colour right now…. it’s been a long winter and I want fun colours to play with now

  26. That is a beautiful line of fabric! I’m discovering a new appreciation for browns and pinks together, myself. thanks for the chance!

  27. I’m now a subscriber. I’m looking forward to the new patterns you have coming out this month. My favorite so far is He zigs she zags.

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