Giveaway! April Showers by Bonnie and Camille and New Patterns!


You guys! It’s Christmas time, and I’m feeling giving! For all of you that are here from Sew Mama Sew, Welcome! I’m April Rosenthal, I design patterns, and love fabric and color. I’m so glad you’re here, stay a while!

I haven’t had a giveaway in a LOOONG time, so it’s high time I rectified that.

I figure this should make up for it. A layer cake of Bonnie and Camille’s April Showers line, which isn’t even in stores yet, plus a few of my new patterns too. Don’t ever say I didn’t give you nothing :)

To enter, just tell me what your favorite fabric line of all time is.

Giveaway will be open until 5PM PST December 13th at which time I will draw a winner randomly. Winner will be notified by December 15th.

International entries welcome.

Love you lots!

PS To enter more giveaways, head on over to Sew Mama Sew for hundreds of chances to win! xoxo

| Filed under Giveaway

530 thoughts on “Giveaway! April Showers by Bonnie and Camille and New Patterns!

  1. Why does “my favorite of all time” change from month to month?? I must be fickle. Right now, it’s Gracie Girl by Lori Holt. :)

  2. At the moment my favorite is Mid Winter Reds – maybe because of the Holday or just my love of red… Maybe we are all just fickle – really love so many of them and as new ones arrive – become torn between which one of the older ones or newer ones we like the best or those out of print that we miss once we have used the last little speck..
    Thanks for the chance.

    1. I’ve been meaning to make a red and white quilt! And I know what you mean about being fickle, lucky me, I don’t have to answer the question! Xoxo

  3. Of all time? That’s hard. But, my current favorite really is April Showers, I have been sighing over every post I have seen of it and can’t wait for it to be available.

  4. Happy Drawing and Happy Drawing Too.

    They’re the only lines I bought some of each print (and the cute panel)

  5. Mendocino by Heather Ross, mostly because I love the fuchsia and plum colors! It can be so hard to find great fabrics in purple. Unfortunately it was out of print by the time I started sewing, but I have been able to collect a few remnants!

  6. I’d LOVE to get my hands on this collection, and your new patterns! My favorite fabric line of all time? Hmmm…. probably Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt.

  7. Of all time? That’s a difficult question. I think it’s Simply Color by V&Co. Thanks for the chance!

  8. Right now, my favourite line is Kate Spain’s Sunnyside, but I have been eyeing off April Showers so that might become my new favourite! I’ve just realised they’re both weather themed too hmm :)

  9. Oh that’s a tough one – typically it is “whichever the latest line by Bonnie & Camille is” which is pretty true right now. But I LOVE Sarah Jane’s Out to Sea and I am anxiously awaiting Aneela Hoey’s Hello Petal.
    happierthanabird at gmail dot com

  10. Right now I’m eyeing Gracie Girl…because I want to make it for a girl named Gracie! Thanks for the chance!

  11. My favorite changes constantly but right now it is Sweet Serenade by Basic Grey. I am making a quilt out of it and it is so warm and welcoming!

  12. Oh my, there are so many wonderful collections, past, present and new ones not released. Anything Heather Ross, I am a huge fan. But I would love to win April Showers, I love the blue/greens is this collection. Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. That’s tough! I would have to go with Nordika. I know its a newer line but the prints and colors are so vibrant and are perfect for me. I can’t wait to get my hands on this new line! Thanks for a chance to win it plus some great patterns!

  14. At the moment my favourite fabric line is fellowship from moda, because I finished a quilt made from it yesterday morning.

  15. Of all time? Wow, that is hard! I do think it has to be one of Bonnie and Camille’s lines because not long ago I told a friend that if I was restricted to only buying from ONE designer…it would have to be them. So which of theirs is my favorite? Well, it used to be Marmalade, but now I am totally in love with Scrumptious. Oh and Happy Go Lucky – love the colors. You see my problem?!? LOL.

  16. It’s probably Neptune, but I have to say Botanics is sneaking up there. I love, love, love it! Waterfront Park could be a contender, but thus far, Neptune reigns supreme :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  17. I love Architextures for the simple, geometric feel of it! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  18. I love all sweetwater fabric sooo much but I think my alltime fav is urban cowgirl. I have 2 quilts made from it and wish I had hoarded more fabric from yhat line

  19. Thank you for an amazing giveaway. I love Bonnie and Camille fabric and my favourite all time fabric is Marmalade.

  20. My favorite line keeps changing :) but at the moment I’m taken with Happy Go Lucky. I usually love all fabrics by Bonnie and Camille. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  21. That’s hard. Probably Sarah Jane Out to Sea by Michael Miller. Thanks for the giveaway! Or anything Liberty of London.

  22. I have so many favorites – it is hard to choose – but probably Etchings by 3 Sisters for Moda. Wish it wasn’t out of print! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Winter’s Lane. I had to have it. Now it is sitting on my to-do pile waiting to become a tree skirt and stockings – which I won’t have time to get done. January I guess.

  24. My favorite fabric line of all time is Bonnie and Camille’s Marmalade. I love all of their fabric lines. Would love to win this one. Your blog is new to me. Now a new follower via Facebook. conn_and_vans_momatyahoodotcom

  25. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I have been dreaming about April Showers ever since the first sneak peak of it. Probably my favorite of all time is Vintage Modern.

  26. I tend to make seasonal quilts, so my favorite fabric line of all time is “Gobble, Gobble” by Sandy Gervais. I discovered it quite a while after it was released, so I only found enough fabric to make one quilt with it. I wish they would bring it back! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Meadowsweet 2 by Sandi Henderson – my first big quilt was made with this and it will always have a special place in my heart :)

  28. Oh, goodness, they’re all my favorite at one time or another. I think the coolest one I’ve ever seen is Fashionista by SPX fabrics!

  29. I am sorry but I cannot tell you my favorite fabric line of all time . But that is for now. because it changes all the time and I usually have several at a time. Right now, I am enamored by April Showers (I have seen the preview), Lori Holt’s Bake Sale and Alison Glass’s Sun Print text.. My tastes are like the weather-wait awhile and it will change.

  30. My favorite all time is Marmalade by Bonnie & Camille. I love their fabric lines but it was the addition of orange in Marmalade that did me in. Maybe just because I haven’t had a chance to sew with Happy Go Lucky just yet. I’m a few collections behind-so many projects so little time.

  31. My favorite fabric (up until now – these umbrella patterns might steal the show) has been the Dear Stella Dots. They match with everything and look great every single time!

  32. My favorite would have to be Hometown by Sweetwater. It was the first fabric collection that I bought and I still have pieces in my stash. I think there’s a little Hometown in almost everything I’ve made.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. My all time favorite…so hard. Maison de Noel by 3 Sisters, Happy Go Lucky by Bonnie and Camille, Chocolate by 3 Sisters, anything French General. So hard to chose – I probably have the most quilts made from Maison de Noel – so that would be at the top!

  34. Reunion by Sweetwater. I’m anxious for April Showers to hit the virtual shelves, great giveaway. The best I’ve seen so far actually :-)

  35. That has to be the hardest question to answer, The favorites change every time new favorites are released. The fabric designers have gotten better and better and there are some fabulous choices. Personally, I think my favorites are in the Fig Tree lines, but pick one? No way.

  36. No favorite line – but the one fabric I reach for again and again is the faux bois print from Joel Dewberry’s Aviary line – so thrilled they re-released it! I can stop hoarding my little scraps and stock up.

  37. Though I’ve been sewing for ages, I’ve only recently come to realize that there ARE such things as lines of fabric and designers… so I haven’t yet formed opinions of who my favorites are. I would certainly be up for some “learnin” – where could I go to bone-up on popular fabric designers?

  38. I love woodland bloom. It is the first line I ever fell in love with and I made my daughter her baby quilt from that line. I will always love that line.

  39. Flea Market Fancy…I think. I love so many of them! Adore all Bonnie & Camille collections too! Great giveaway. Thanks!

  40. Favorite fabric line… wow that is tough. I love the few pieces I have of Mendocino by Ross. But I think because I got back to quilting and this was OOP. So as far as fav I own… would have to be Dowry… Wow such a great line.

  41. This is a tough question, my favorite line is “Scarborough Fair” by Robin Pandolph. Thank you so much for your generous give-away opportunity.

  42. I love any thing by Bonnie and Camille especially Marmalade. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize. Linda

  43. My favorite line of all time…that is a tough one. If I had to choose just one it would be: Annie’s Farm Stand

  44. It really depends on what I’m making. For kids I love the Eric Carle line by Andover Fabrics. For sewing bags and such, anything Kate Spain.

  45. I love Bonnie & Camille! I’m wrapped in a quilt I made with happy go lucky…but I’m looking across the room at a stack of bake sale by lori holt. I’m really looking forward to April showers!

  46. My favorite has been Fandango by Kate Spain but now Scrumptious is such a winner, ( by Camille and Bonnie). Thanks for the chance to win.

  47. My favourite line was by Suzuko Koseki. I don’t know its name but there was a text print with lots of cooking words and it featured in her Machine Made Patchwork books and started my obsession with Japanese fabrics and craft books

  48. I can never pick favorites. Right now, it’s between April Showers by Bonnie and Camille (you know, the one you’re giving away?) and Catnap by Lizzy House.

  49. Of all time is really difficult – but I love anything by Kate Spain and Laundry Basket Quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. My favourite would be Les Amis by Pat Sloniger… Still a bit sad I don’t have it in my stash. Thanks for the option to win!

  51. Hmm…I don’t know about an all-time, I’m fairly new to all this. So my all-time isn’t very long. Hah! But I really love Anna Maria Horner’s fabrics as well as Valori Wells. And the new Mercer by Dear Stella House Designer has great colors.

  52. I don’t really have a favourite line–my tastes are eclectic and constantly changing. Though, I’m partial to Little Red Riding Hood fabric. :o)

  53. oh, that layer cake looks luscious, thank you! My favorite line of all time is Hope Valley. I collected a BOAT LOAD of it and haven’t even used it. Ridiculous.

  54. My favorite seems to change often! A simple blender that I have liked a long time is Mixmasters Fizz by Patrick Lose.

  55. I have two favorite all time fabric lines….Flea Market Fancy and Good Fortune. April Showers in on the top of my wish list! Thank you for sharing

  56. Of all time? Wow, don’t exactly how to answer that. Lately it’s been anything by Lotta Jansdotter with Chicopee a close second.

  57. So hard to choose, but for some reason Im always drawn to Aneela Hoey fabrics, so I’ll go with Little Apples.

  58. I can’t imagine having a favorite fabric line. I love them all!! I have never seen a fabric I haven’t loved.

  59. I’m relatively new to quilting, but I really like HR’s goldfish in a bag. I don’t know the name of the line, but that print is awesome.

  60. Oh all time!!! Probably Heather Ross, the line with the VW vans. But, Joel Dewberry, Sparrows, is pretty good too.

  61. Wow! Nice prize!
    As far as my favorite line, I am a sucker for most anything by Anna Maria Horner, I might pick little folks… But really they are all lovely.

  62. Favorite of all time?! That’s tough. Probably Ruby or Vintage Modern…and I am really loving April Showers too! The blue and greens are usually by favorite of any line, and that one is FULL of blues and greens! :)

  63. I don’t have any all time favs, but I am really in love with Riley Blakes basics right now. Of course, that’s mostly because I have this vision in my head of a quilt I want to do with them and I haven’t purchased them yet.

    Once that’s done- there’s no telling what my fav will be!

  64. My all time favorite fabric line is Sweet by Urban Chicks!!! I also love everything by Bonnie and Camille. Thanks for the chance for such a great giveaway!

  65. So many gorgeous lines to choose from – but at the moment I can’t seem to get enough of using the range of sketch fabrics as solids. Not flashy and gorgeous at first glance, but very useful and lovely in the long run.

  66. I’d have to say that my all time favorite fabric line is Parisville by Tula pink. I’ve already made about 4 bed-sized quilts from the line and still have more fabric in my stash for later. :)

  67. I don’t know how to answer that because I’m mostly a garment sewer so I don’t think of fabrics in lines. I’m just getting into quilting but the only quilting fabrics where I have know the designer are Kaffe Fasset, so I guess that has to be answer!

  68. Meep! Fantastic giveaway! I want it all! As far as fabric, I’m a bit of a “the more, the merrier” mentality, but Botanics is so beautiful it almost makes me whimper when I look at my layer cake so it wins my heart for right now :)

  69. My favorite fabric line was Children at play. I love scrumptious too and anxiously waiting to get my hands on April Showers. thanks, kathy

  70. One of my favorites has been Happy Go Lucky so I am even very excited to get my hands on April Showers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  71. What an adorable line, eeep! My favorite line *ever*?! That’s just mean. :) Ok, it’d have to be a Denyse Schmidt line, maybe even Shelburne Falls, because I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I always come back to her lines because they just go beautifully with everything! Thanks for the chance to win this beauty!

  72. Not a fair question!! I truthfully cannot pick a favorite and it all depends on what category the design fits. I love Joel Dewberry, Kaffe, Camille’s fabrics, Northcott’s Naturescapes, Riley Blake’s & French General’s lines all for different reasons. And I cut my list way back…specifics, no way!

  73. I have just started dealing with “fabric lines” and don’t have a fav but do love the text prints and have a bit of favortism to Reily Blake and Michael MIller, but only cause they happened to have a few prints I liked. But other than that…it’s any lines game! I so enjoy just looking! The patterns all change so fast, I can’t keep up with them all!

  74. You don’t ask tough questions, do you? ;) My favorite fabric lines change periodically, but I really love Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt and that seems to be a constant favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!

  75. gosh! favourite fabric line of all time? probably something Anna Maria Horner – I love most of Field Study! I also love Bonnie and Camille’s Vintage Modern :)

  76. Favorite fabric line: Julia Rothman TYPE!! I used to be a computer teacher, and I made a dress out of the typewriter fabric. Kids love it!

  77. Ooooh! This is an awesome giveaway! I love Bonnie & Camille fabrics. I have many favorite lines, so hard to choose one! I would say Scrumptous by Bonnie & Camille or Just Stay little by Sarah Jane.

  78. Wow, you don’t make it easy, do you? :-) Of all time….hmmmmm…… how about in the last few years? That would be Juggling Summer…. love the colors!

  79. So hard to only pick one favourite! I love Hand Drawn Garden by Anna Maria Horner – just can’t bear to cut it up yet!

  80. Oh boy, tough call. I like Ruby and do you remember Urban Chiks, Dream On thanks for th patterns, ours are great!

  81. My current favorite is Modern Poppy in the black & white and red colorways. They would make such an awesome quilt.

  82. LOl – you do realise that my all time fav fabric range tends to change often. I am a huge fan of Kate Spain’s Cuzco – but to date only own a few very precious charm squares of it.

  83. My favourite fabric of all time changes, as I meet new fabrics, guess you could say i am fickle, but my current favourite is “Riley Blake -Bake Sale – Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnett

  84. I am really looking forward to the bee fabric collection coming out early next year from Moda. I love the umbrella prints from April Showers, also.

  85. I am a big fan of Bonnie & Camille’s fabrics & my all time favourite is Happy Go Lucky. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  86. I loved Midwest Modern by Amy Butler, virtually everything by Jennifer Paganelli/SisBoom, and the very first Aneela Hooey Little Apples line.

  87. Well I don’t really know, but right now I am loving Nordika by Jenny Baker. I just love all the colors and the way they blend!

  88. I have no idea which is my favorite line… I am a new quilter, one year ago I didn’t even have a sewing machine :) but I love the one of your giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  89. All time favorite is hard…probably… Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy (I used it for both of my boys’ crib quilts)

  90. Yikes! Tough question. I really like Amy Schimler designs for the kiddos. Don’t have a specific one though – I kinda love them all!

  91. hard to pick favorite of all the gray lines! i do love architectures – still haven’t cracked open my FQ bundle of this yet – it’s just so pretty!

  92. I am incapable of picking favorites–but I currently really, really love Kate Spain’s line that starts with S and for some reason I can’t remember the whole name….

  93. I’m fairly new to quilting, so I’d have to say that Bonnie & Camille’s Scrumptious is currently my favorite of “all time”….. Would love to have some more Bonnie & Camille!

  94. I really don’t think I could choose a favorite! I love so many….but I guess for now I could say that my favorite is Rachel Ashwell’s Shabby Chic line. This bundle of April Showers would sure be a favorite, too!

  95. I love Bonnie & Camille’s fabrics. My favorite fabric line of all time is their Bliss line. Thanks you for this chance to get their new line before it even hits the stores. :) And I always love new quilt patterns to sew up. :D

  96. Oh my, oh my!!!! This is one of my favorite collections! I can’t wait for April Showers to come out! Bonnie and Camille are some of my favorite designers. One of my all time favorite collections is theirs, Marmalade.

  97. Well that is a tough question. I am drawn to fabric that tells a story, Heather Ross is a master of that. I also love fabric collections that have great color combos, and there are many people who do that well. Right now I’m enjoying Joel Dewberry’s color combos.

  98. I don’t know that I have a favourite of all time, but I’ve been seeing a lot of April Showers around the internet recently and really like it, so I’m going with that :-)

  99. I am new to quilting so I don’t have an all time favourite yet but I am loving Charley Harper at the moment, and I also really love Field Study by AMH.

  100. All time favorite would be very hard to say. I love any 1930s retro, to any of the newer
    text prints. I love PKM, Denyse Schmidt, Lori Holt. Right now, I love Bake Sale by
    Lori Holt. Thanks for the chance to win!

  101. hard question to answer, I have so many favorites… but my current favorite is Heather Ross’s briar rose, would love to do something with it soon :-)

  102. Cannot live without Heather Ross, Lightening Bugs and Other Mysteries! Such a lovely offer – thank you, and Merry Christmas

  103. Happy Go Lucky by Bonnie and Camille is one of my favourites ever. Reunion by Sweetwater and Terrain by Kate Spain are right up there!

  104. I love Winterkist by Monica Solorio-Snow. That is my favourite line and one that I absolutely love – although I have none of it in my collection.
    My favourite designer is Cinderberry Stitches – I love all her lines and have a bit of most of them.

  105. Of all time?? Well I’ve loved Joel Dewberry’s Aviary and used it heaps and heaps. Also love Aneela Hoey’s Sherbit Pips. Love Liberty Tana Lawns and quite a few Kaffe Fassetts – the paperweight ones are particular favorites and Heather Ross Far Far Away and Mendocino.

    I think if I was told I could only ever have one line for the rest of my life I would have to go with Liberty Tana Lawns

  106. I adore firefly by birch organics, something about the fairytale nature of it and the poetic colours makes my heart sing

    Vary nice visiting your blog for the first time,


  107. I love Paris Flea Market by 3 sisters. I love Moda… Thanks for a chance to win April Showers. I love Bonnie and Camille. Have a lot of their fabric…

  108. Omg, a favourite? Just one? There’s way too many, it pretty much changes weekly, the only constant there is, is that I like text, naturals/low volumes and aqua’s. So anything that fits into that category would definitely be a favourite of mine :)

    Thanks for the chance!

  109. It is sad that I don’t have a favorite. I am on a no buy diet and been using up my stash no avail. I guess I am drawn more to color than to lines of fabric.

  110. I tend to be drawn to the Civil War Reproductions. I love them all and would be hard pressed to choose a favorite. Thank you so much for the chance.

  111. I really don’t follow the fabric lines…I just like whatever catches my eye for the project I’m working on. I love anything that looks vintage.

  112. Come on, now, you should know better than to ask a bunch of fabric lovers to pick a “favorite of all time.” I’m sure most are like me and the “favorite of all time,” changes on a regular basis. So, no, I can’t pick favorite of all time. Though, from awhile back, I loved Joel Dewberry’s Aviary, and currently, I’m crushing on Tula Pink’s Acacia.

  113. I haven’t been sewing for a long time but the first line I really fell in love with was Lizzy House’s Outfoxed :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  114. Great giveaway! I usually don’t buy in lines, but I’ve had my eye on some Joel Dewberry lines for a while – love his stuff!

  115. I think that Monica Solorio Snow’s Happy Holiday and Winterkist are my favorites. The gnomes are so darn cute. Makes me (almost) not mind the snow…. I also love Susan Branch’s Baby Love.

  116. A favorite fabric line – are you kidding me! My favorite is FABRIC!!! With oh so much to choose from how can I?! As long as it’s soft & pretty it’s my favorite – I just keep adding to my stash because I love to look at it and touch it & then buy more for whatever I’m about to make! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

  117. Don’t have one of all time:) haha!!! Every month a new favorite of all time comes out:)
    Right now…. Legacy by Angela Walters:)

  118. Every time I see something new it becomes a favorite. One that caught my eye most recently is a Stof print Bursts (white on navy).

  119. I think the upcoming wee wander by sarah jane eclipses all my previous fave’s. Can’t wait to get my hands on some

  120. Today my favourite is Bonnie and Camille’s Marmalade. Tomorrow may be a different story (or even this afternoon).

  121. I honestly haven’t had that much experience with difference line of fabric. I have mostly just go to JoAnn to buy fabric… So, I guess my favorite has to be the Calico line

  122. You want me to pick one…………just one? How about the one I wish I could still get more of why do they always move to the top of the list when you have used up all you have of a fabric line and it is no longer printed? Full Moon Forest by Tula Pink would be at the top of my very long list..Thank you for the chance

  123. My favorite fabric line changes from week to week but since it is the Christmas season I am going to say right now it is In from the Cold by Kate Spain.

  124. My favorite of all time would have to be any of the Aunt Grace’s 1930’s reproduction fabrics, since I love to make dresden plates or fans these are the perfect fabrics for the type of quilts I want to make. If I had to choose my all time favorite fabric though it would be my collection of feedsack fabric that I have acquired, I want to make a quilt out of it, but I just haven’t been able to bring myself to cut into some of the pieces. Someday soon I hope!! :)

  125. Honestly, my favorite fabrics are always by Bonnie and Camille! I’m a bit obsessed. In fact, i’m giving away Camille’s book over on my blog. Thanks for the amazing giveaway, my fingers are crossed already!

  126. ooh, so many. I just adored Heather Ross’s “Lightning Bugs and Other Mysteries” but it’s gone now- so sad! Now I keep coming back to Amy Butler’s “Love”

  127. I have only been sewing for 6 months and already think that is too hard. Heaven help me if someone asks me on a year!! My first quilt was made with Kate Spain’s Cuzco so that has a special spot in my heart. I’ll go with that

  128. Probably one by Lotta Jansdotter, i love the simple colours, retro vibe and clean look. But i couldn’t narrow it down to one collection!

  129. I can go into any quilt shop or online shop and suddenly have a new favorite of all times… For the holidays I fell in love with All Wrapped Up by Maywood Studios Fabrics.

  130. Anything my Liberty of London, specifically their Hello Kitty fabrics. Its paisley and HK, what is not to love/ obsess over?

  131. Oh, that’s a tough one! Too many to narrow it down, but if you twist my arm, I’d have to say Lotta Jansdotters’ Mormor.

    Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  132. ummm, i don’t think i can pick my favorite! i have one i love but i can’t remember the name. It was an Amy Butler from 7 or 8 years ago, it was the most beautiful yellow and blues i had ever seen, it might have been her debut line. i have one tiny scrap of yellow left and i’m hoarding it :)

  133. I’ve just been sewing for 2 years so I don’t think I have an all time favorite yet. I love Heather Ross and Anna Maria Horner fabric lines though…

  134. I love the tiny umbrellas. Living in Oregon you would think I would have some umbrella fabric in my stash, but sadly I do not, must get umbrellas!
    Picking a favorite fabric line of all time is really hard. I would have to day anything by Heather Ross. My current favorite is her Briar Rose line. I am an aspiring illustrator and I love the illustrative and story telling qualities of her fabric!

  135. I am new to sewing, and pretty much everything is my favorite right now! Holy moley are there lots of amazing fabric lines out there! Thanks for the giveaway!

  136. Lecien has become a recent favorite. Thanks. I am happy to follow you on FB. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  137. I’ve seen the Scrumptious line come by many times now, love those colors. But all-time favourite? Can that one change every few days? ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  138. What an awesome giveaway! I’m so excited about April Showers , I think it is the most beautiful range. As for a favourite range of all time , I really loved Authentic, Sherbert Pips, anything by Sis Boom .

  139. I’m not versed enough to share an all time fabric line, but I am a big fan of Riley Blake designs. Thanks,

    courtneyahrenholtz at

  140. i dont know enough about the different fabric lines out there yet but i do love what you have offered for the giveaway!

  141. I love the Heather Ross mermaid material-not sure of the line, but it is so sweet. Also love the new robots by Robert Kaufman.

  142. I don’t shop for fabric by collections, I just purchase what appeals to me from batiks to 30s, modern to civil war. I prefer scrappy quilts.

  143. I love the adorable little umbrellas! I don’t know if I have a favorite but if forced to choose I would say I’m currently enjoying hello tokyo.

  144. Usually my favorite line becomes one that is impossible to get any more. Like- how did I miss Mendicino?? What a wonderful prize. Thank you for participating in the Giveaway Day.

  145. My favorite fabric line of all time would have to be Bliss by Bonnie and Camille. I love all of their fabric collections, but Bliss is my enduring favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

  146. Nope nope nope I won’t pick. Simply impossible. I love most Tula Pink, and the new Robert Kaufman robots fabrics are cute… but favourites? There are too many pretties to pick favourites!

  147. I’m too new for all time favorite. Until last year I didn’t even know there were specific fabric lines, I just bought what I liked. Then my DIL introduced me to on line quilting stores and fabric designers and the top blew off! I’ve found I always like what Kate Spain does and Joel Dewbury but I don’t have a all time fav. I like too many, they are all so gorgeous. Thanks.

  148. Sigh. This is an easy question for me. I love everything made by French General. How about La Belle Fleur. Thanks for the giveaway.

  149. My all time favourite is Juggling Summer by Zen Chic. I made a quilt with it for my best friend’s wedding and I so wish I’d bought more for myself.

  150. Ooooh, pretty! But then, I’m in love with too many fabrics! I still love Bella by Amanda Murphy. And I just made a Christmas gift with Pirouette by Free Spirit. I could go on all day though. Thanks for the give away!

  151. My favorite fabric line right now is Honeysweet by Fig Tree & Co. So beautiful! But, anything Bonnie & Camille is charming also!

  152. I use a lot of “reclaimed” fabrics, so I don’t spend much time looking at new fabric lines… but this pack is gorgeous!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

    sarita0818 at comcast dot net

  153. briar rose by Heather Ross. It must come close to my all time favorite because I keep using it and buying more. Although I am hoarding my latest layer cake.

  154. Oh goodness, of all time?! Of the ones I own at least a piece of, I guess that’d have to be Simply Color; I keep thinking about how I could or should buy some more because I am depleting what I have. Thank you for this amazing, generous giveaway!

  155. Right now I love Kumari garden, but last month it was boho, who knows what next month will bring. Thanks for the giveaway.

  156. I love all fabrics by Bonnie & Camille – my current favorite is Scrumptious!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  157. favorites vary by when and what I’m making…love the Kona solids for all the variety, love Robert Kauffman and Amy Butler…

  158. My favorite fabric line of all time was the original Erin Michael’s Lush line, especially the paint by number birds. It has been re-released, by the colors are slightly different. Thanks for the fun question, and for this awesome giveaway! Your fabric is beautiful. Happy holidays to you!

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