Geared for Guys Book Tour: Switchback

So. Here’s my quilt called Switchback. I made it because my friend Emily is having a little blog tour (with a giveaway at the end) and asked if I would. Since my own husband has been neglected in my quiltmaking, I let him choose which quilt I made, just for him. He is pretty pumped, because this quilt will be long enough to cover his toes when he takes a nap. Apparently throw quilts are a pet peeve of his, never long enough to put over arms and toes at the same time.

It’s super cute, and even a bit masculine, if you can believe that after all the girly stuff I do all the time.

Thanks to Emily, and her fun book Geared for Guys, my guy might just his own quilt one of these days.

He gave some specific guidelines regarding colors–when I asked him what colors it should be he said: Green, Orange, Pink, and Blue. Also brown. Oi. This guy likes to challenge my color skills.

I’m loving how it’s turning out, though. And when I asked him where he got the color scheme from, he said from his family of course. One color for each of us. Green for him, pink for Lily, Blue for Beckham, and orange for me. Of course. (Awww. Too cute. He never gets all sentimental and mushy like that.)

The original pattern calls for solids only, but I’m a rebel and threw some prints in there. I like it a lot.

I only have the middle of the quilt top finished, not the borders, because I have to ask you guys a question. Take a little poll, if you will.

The original quilt calls for white borders. I’m thinking of doing green instead. Since this will be used as a nap quilt, and loved and abused quite a bit, I think green borders are more…prudent? Also, I like to get wild every now and then.

So, let me know what you think. White? or Green? If it helps, I’m binding it with this awesome orange plaid, and backing it with a green and brown woven flannel.

Also, guys? You should totally buy Emily’s book. There’s about a billion (give or take) cool quilts in there, all of them super versatile and fun to make. If you can believe it, I think you’ll find something in there to make for anyone–guy or girl.

Oh, and as for the pictures, well, we’re on vacation and I was all excited to get a picture of my quilt taken in a new, exotic-to-me place. The wind, however, wasn’t anticipated. We ended up taking some pictures in a parking garage. The things I do, seriously. People were looking at me and old Mr. J like we’re certifiably nuts.(<—They might be right.) Oh, also, you’re getting unPhotoshopped photos today, since husband’s laptop doesn’t have Photoshop. Who knew? (sigh. sorry.)

Today we’re taking the kiddos to Disneyland. Wish me luck. (Pssst! All orders won’t be shipped until I get back, on Saturday–just like I mentioned in my last post. Thanks for being patient!) Also, for those of you who have contacted me about the coupon code not working today, you’re right. It expired on Saturday, as the sale went through 12pm so I had time to ship before I left.



PS: This post brought to you by a really tired, been-in-the-car-with-kids-for-too-many-hours, mama who just needs some sleep. Pardon the punchiness.

PPS: Make sure you follow the rest of the blog hop, the schedule is below–and check out the posts the ladies before me did too. They’ve made some seriously cool quilts!

Sept 4: Erika from– High Voltage

Sept 5: Lisa from– Helix

Sept 6: April M. from – OddBall

Sept 7: Vickie from– Caution

Sept 8: Sinta from– Ivy League

Sept 9: Marion from– Gamer

Sept 10: Sherri from– Urban Decay

Sept 11: April R. from – Switchback

Sept 12: Tricia from– Caution

Sept 13: Shannon from– Urban Decay

Sept 14: Shari from– Ivy League

Sept 15: Michael from– Helix

Sept 16: back to Emily for the giveaway!


PPPS: Tell me what you think! White borders, or green?


| Filed under Quilts I've Made

17 thoughts on “Geared for Guys Book Tour: Switchback

  1. I think green would make it super “geared for guys”. What an awesome quilt. I’m thinking my hubby may need one too :)

  2. I love this quilts and I love the color pallet you chose. I vote for green borders. My husband has asked for a new quilt too since my daughters just got ink on the last one I made him over the weekend! Any ideas on getting ink out? Crazy kids. Excellent job!

  3. You are FABULOUS!!! I’ve been following your trip along on IG. I assumed you wrote your post before and scheduled it. Thanks for being a die-hard and posting while on vacay. I hope you guys have an AMAZING time at Disneyland. I’m trying to talk my hubs into taking me (oh, and the kids) sometime soon. :o)
    BTW- I saw GREEN for borders! LOVE THE QUILT!!!

  4. Love the quilt! The colors look great together, and the meaning behind them is so neat. I agree on the non-white border, but with all that green in the quilt, what about something different from the quilt, like brown?

  5. Maybe a thin stop border of white, and then something else for a larger border? But if you go with green I’d try and find a bigger print instead of using the solid/small print in the quilt. I like the idea of navy too, it does have a lot of green in it already. I think that Lucy Crab Shack plaid would be great in the border. So many decisions!

  6. What a great quilt! I would definitely do the green…more masculine. Thanks for sharing. I am enjoying hopping from site to site seeing all the great quilts. Good luck finishing.

  7. Love the quilt, April! I may just have to make one of these for my man. And don’t feel like a crazy person for taking quilt photos in a parking garage. We go to all kinds of places just to get the right shot of our quilts…and get all kinds of crazy looks from people too.

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