Farmer’s Wife Quilt-A-Long (weeks 5, 6, 7, & 8)

Playing a little catch-up here this morning. I’ve been working on these little blocks as often as I can (which isn’t as often as I would like, due to deadlines etc.) and am still a bit behind the group. But hey, slow and steady and all that jazz, right? Here are all the blocks I’ve done so far (because I can’t remember which you’ve seen, and hey they’re pretty–except that basket one. Bleck. I keep thinking I should just toss it and its wonky handle). If you’re wondering, they’re blocks 1-16 in the book.

And here they are all together.

And a few closeups. (Bet you can’t guess which block is my favorite.)

Anyway, I’ve realized a few things. First, I don’t like basket blocks. At all. So no more basket blocks for me. Second, I’m still tossing around adding in some solids here and there. I even found a few Kona solids in my stash that go well. I’m not sure why, but I just keep going back and forth on it. Third, I really like the blocks that have the most contrast.Maybe working on the contrast will solve my “should I add solids” problem? Fourth, and finally, I really shouldn’t take pictures of these when there’s a breeze because it makes them all look crooked and un-square, which they’re not.  I swear. (Ask my seam ripper.) Also, trying to photograph blocks on a clothesline in a breeze makes me more frustrated than I previously would have expected, as in, talking angrily to inanimate objects. (Please, forget I said that.)

If you’re participating in Amanda and Angela‘s FWQAL (it has its’ own acronym even, it’s that cool!), are you using just one line of fabrics from your stash? Mixing in solids? Using scraps only, or certain colors? I’m dying to know. And if you’re not participating, but have some opinions on how I can spice up the next round of blocks, do share! If you have no opinion either way, well, tell me a joke or something…I might be suffering from adult-interaction-withdrawal over here. Hence the talking to quilt blocks.


April (who is obsessed with parenthesis today, obviously)

Previous Farmer’s Wife posts: 1 & 2

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One thought on “Farmer’s Wife Quilt-A-Long (weeks 5, 6, 7, & 8)

  1. I like that block too. The basket one looks great! Good thing there is craft night tonight so you can talk to some adults. I need it too. ;)

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