Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-Long: Playing Catch Up (Week 6)

I didn’t get 4 done like I was hoping this week. Only three. But at least that puts me at making positive progress, not getting more behind. At this rate I’ll be caught up by week 11, which is still fine by me.

I’m having fun with these. A LOT of fun.


I’m starting to wonder if I should incorporate some solids in here. Some of these blocks could stand to have a bit more contrast, or perhaps just a showing off of a single print at a time. I wonder, would it look weird to start throwing some solids in now?

I guess I probably should anyway, simply because I’ll run out of my sweet Hope Valley before the end if I don’t. And that would be a disaster of epic proportions.

Or something like that.

Your thoughts?

April’s total blocks made: 7

How many to catch up: 5


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7 thoughts on “Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-Long: Playing Catch Up (Week 6)

  1. Love. Hope. Valley. I have a kit using it that I can’t bear to start because I love looking at the fabric. Nonsensical, no? I have seen one of these samplers put together with solid (or nearly so) sashing and it was stunning. Just saying.

    1. Yeah, I’m a lot more in love with it than I should be. I kind of wish I had given in earlier and bought more when it was more readily available. Hindsight being 20/20, and all that.

      A solid sashing would be a great way to set it all off, true, true.

      Just hope I don’t run out of fabric. May have to start scouring the internets to find more, darnit.

      Are you doing this darn quilt-a-long? You really should, in all your spare time. Ha ha.

      1. Haven’t started yet but maybe shortly. I think I will go with civil war repros. I won’t have to worry about matching anything that way. But Hope Valley will be so cute….

  2. April you are doing great! First, I would look for more Hope Valley and then I would start looking for some solids. Maybe solids that have some sort of design on it but color on color.

  3. What beautiful work! I am just getting my feet wet in the art of quilting. Your blocks are just beautiful! Keep up the great work!

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