Fabric In My Stash: Volume 1

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Check out the pretty fabrics I got on sale at Pink Castle Fabrics a week or two ago! Brenda was clearing out a bunch of my favorite line EVER, Hope Valley, so I had to scoop up some of that of course.  I’m proud of myself for showing restraint. I really wanted to buy it ALL. Don’t they look pretty stacked in color order like that? Seriously, I could just stare all day.

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I snagged a couple oldies, but goodies, from Violet Craft, Joel Dewberry, and Anna Maria Horner.

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Also this cute strawberry print that is just begging to be made into a darling little blouse for Lily.

I may have purchased a little of one Hope Valley print to back my Farmer’s Wife quilt, when it gets done, someday. Or a lot. Maybe like ten yards-ish.

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What was that about restraint?


In other news, I have been off refined/processed sugars for 9 days now, and I can honestly say I don’t miss them. Hoping it will help with my weight loss goals. (Can’t hurt, right?) Plus, overall health is a great bonus, too.

What’s new in your stash?? Purchased any fabric lately? Are you a recovering sugar addict like me? Anything else you want to chat about?

I’ve been talking to five-year-olds all day, and as fun as that is, I wouldn’t say no to some good old grownup talk. Plus, my legs are SO SORE from the workout my friend had us do yesterday at the gym, that I might just be in this chair all afternoon–or at least until a kiddie soccer game comes-a-callin’. Deep Blue, here I come.


PS I’m updating my blog look soon, so don’t be startled if it looks different the next time you visit. I’m working on making some things easier to find :)

| Filed under Fabric

2 thoughts on “Fabric In My Stash: Volume 1

  1. Well since you bought 10 yards to help back that quilt, maybe you should finish it. :) I am enjoying food more these days and am feeling better. I wish that didn’t freak me out.

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