Bee Blocks, and Winners!

winner-2 Thank you for being so excited with me! Basically, I’ve been dreaming about a few things since I started up this little pattern company of mine, and finally, finally, things all started to snowball at the same time! So while it’s pretty crazy over here with both a book and fabric (eek!) in the works, it’s absolutely a dream come true. I can’t wait to show and tell more!

beeblocks-2These pictures show a few blocks I made up last fall for a few cool chickadees in my Bee. beeblocks-1I’ve got the Christmas scrappy trip around the world blocks for Sherri, the Greek Cross block for Trish, beeblocks-3and two pickle dish blocks for Calli. beeblocks-4Aren’t they pretty? My month is coming up in April, so I’m trying to decide what I’d like everyone to make. Any suggestions?

winner-1And now the real reason you’re here! Winners! Thanks again to everyone who shared in my fun news last week. The lucky winners are:

Linda, commenter number 83, who totally guessed my news right!

And Shirley Tener, who shared my giveaway with her friends on Facebook.

Check your inbox (or Facebook messages) ladies, and get my your addresses so I can send you your pretty little bundles!

Happy Monday!



| Filed under Quilting Bee

4 thoughts on “Bee Blocks, and Winners!

  1. Yay for winners and prizes. Congrats ladies! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the pickle dish blocks… how fun!

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