A fond goodbye. An excited hello.

A fond goodbye to a beautiful year that was full of firsts and unexpected surprises.

A heartfelt thank you for all the kindness you have shown me as I learn about and grow my business.

A whole lot of love for these goobers, who inspire me every day to be more “me”.

A bunch of kisses for this guy, who smiles through my hare-brained ideas and loves me anyway.

A heck-of-a-lot of excitement and anticipation for an amazing year to come.

What are you excited about in 2012?




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3 thoughts on “A fond goodbye. An excited hello.

  1. I am excited for my new bundle of joy to love and kiss all over. Plus getting more quilts done this year so I don’t rush right before Christmas.

  2. I’m excited to find a bit more order and focus so that my heart can be more calm. I’m also fascinated to stand back and watch you…my dear, and all that you make happen in your lovely world.

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