Okay, not really. But don’t I wish.Yesterday I helped out with the preschool field trip to a local apple orchard. And seriously? I just wanted to pick up my stuff and move on in. Not only was it beautiful, but there was open air, space to breathe, and of course trees and apples as far as the eye could see. Beyond that? Mountains. I always tell Jacob that I just want to plop down a house in the middle of nowhere, but close enough to civilization to not run out of gas before I get there. Somehow I think creativity must be incredible in a place like that. I feel so inspired when I’m there for 5 minutes, I can only imagine living there. Plus, that porch? Those rocking chairs? Perfect for some hot cocoa and a nap quilt. Sigh.
Anyone want to visit when I move in? ;)
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway by reading the post and commenting here.
Also, today is day 6 of the Quilt Uber-fest! Go check out Ryan Walsh’s blog here. (Doesn’t look like his block is up yet, but hopefully today sometime…)
how cute!! That must have been a really fun field trip. I’m taking my preschool to a pumpkin patch in two weeks.
Awesome! My kids are going to the pumpkin patch in a few weeks. Should be entertaining. :)
I agree with you. I would visit and probably build my home about 2 acres away. ;)
Oh man, that’s beautiful!!! Where was that?
About 40 minutes south of here, not sure what town, technically.
Perfect. That house is awesome.
I know, right? I just stared at it (instead of keeping track of three year olds, like I was supposed to…)
So Pretty
Beautiful. I think this porch would be my favourite place.
Of course I’d love to visit you there :)
Hope one day you’ll have a place like this.
Amen to this. Always been a dream of mine to live somewhere like this.
You and me, sister! I think everyone should have a chance to have some space.
Oh I love that House. I might just have to move there myself. So beautiful and calming. I would be so inspired. If you do decide to move I would love to join you in the rocking chairs for a cuppa and a chat.
That’s my kind of house too. I love a big front porch. I’m picturing a quilt hanging over the railing.
Fabulous! and views to die for!
Looks tranquil. I can picture a sunny afternoon with your quilts blowing in the breeze while they dry on the line. Of course you would never want to actually hang them in the sun so they didn’t bleach out but the image is a nice one, don’t you think? :)
I know! Peaceful and idyllic, for sure. I might be tempted to hang them out on the line just for the picture. :)
Beautiful! It looks so peaceful.
It was. It was nice and quiet…except when the train came through. But even that was just nostalgic. :)
Hey, that’s my future home, too!
breathtaking…i live in the N. Georgia mountains, but don’t have quite this nice of a view…I say do it, make the move! Thanks again for the anniversary week giveaways :)
A great get-away place! Glad you are making memories with your kids.
Don’t forget the Apple cider!
What a fun adventure! Beautiful pictures and dreams! ;) I would be sure to come and visit! :)
I’ve never gone to an apple orchard though we are checking out what types of apples we can grow here in Florida. I too would love that home. Happy Anniversary.
I’d love to come visit…but I’d love to live there, too. It looks so quiet and peaceful. it would be wonderful to have your own apple trees.
That place looks awesome. Love the rocking chairs!
the wood on the barn is gorgeous! that alone is enough to rope me in, but the scenery? bonus. the apples all over? i’m sold too.
Ohh…PLEASE can I come too? I’ll bring the chickens!