I made this adorable pouch in a few hours one night two weeks ago. Literally, it came together super fast, the instructions are nice and clear, and hey, it turned out adorable, so that’s a plus.
I used Meadowbloom to make it, and I love that I got to use a big enough piece of the text print, that I can actually read the text!
Miss Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique fame designed this little pattern, and lucky for all of us, it’s a FREE tutorial on her blog. She did a little collaboration with the Fat Quarter Shop, and filmed a video or two of some techniques in case you’re, for example, afraid of zippers. :) Also, check out #goodygoodybindingkit and #goodygoodysewalong on Instagram to see along or see other people’s kits. There are some darling ones out there!
Let me be clear: this was SUPER EASY. As in, I’ll be making these for basically everyone for Christmas. If you’re my mom, mother-in-law, sisters, craft night ladies, or other sew-y type friends….pretend you didn’t read that.
You should make this, because it’s fun, it’s cute, and gosh darn it, you need to sew for yourself sometimes.
Plus, it has a pocket for treats.
Another thing: how nice is it to have all the supplies for binding in one place, that ISN’T a ziploc bag? (<—Guilty.)
Tutorial is here. Head on over. :)
So beautiful!
Ba ha–pocket for treats even. That’s awesome. :)
Very pretty and practical too : )